The host club declares dissolution(yukis strength)

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Authors note:

Yeah...The super hot guy you see on top of your screen that's Yuki's dad...holy shit right •.•

His hair is naturally black and long but in one of the chapters he has brown hair because he had it dyed by that time

And also he has long nails don't ask why he just does

He wears two rings that you see on his hand one is his first marriage ring which is the ring he wore when he married Yuki's mother and the other identical one is the ring he wore when he married Hanna

Also he looks like luka crozzeria from betrayal knows my name meh:P


Well with that said to the chapter


School fair(43rd ouran fair)

The morning before the fair

Preparing for the opening ceremony

Haruhi's POV

"Umm isn't a school fair suppose to showcase unique things the students made by hand?" I asked

"Perhaps for a mere average school yes, but in ouran it's all about leadership skills remember most of the students are being groomed into positions of leadership so they're required to show proper mobility not arts and crafts" kyoya said



Mori senpai and hikaru came in a horse carriage

"Haru chan~!"

"C'mon board we're rehearsing for the ouran parade" tamaki said cheerfully excited

"Oh wow it's right out of a fairy tale!"

"How romantic!!!"

"Can we have a ride too?"

"It's kinda neat to have all of us in a carriage ride like this huh?" Hunny senpai said

"Yeah whatever"

"Oh and for the actually parade we will all be in 18 century French costumes your outfit will be especially cute haruhi" tamaki said

"Oh wonderful" I said flatly

*DING DONG DING DONG!* the bell rang

"Ah the fairs opening ceremony has started lets make this fair the best one yet"

"Sounds good to me"


Meanwhile at the hirano mansion...

Yuki's POV

"Have you started packing Yuki?" Sasuke asked packing his bags to leave tomorrow

"No, I have business that I still need to attend to at ouran academy Sasuke I can't leave until I've finished it" I said

"I understand be careful also your father will be attending the act like you have manners" he teased at the end

"I have manners Sasuke I just don't use them frequently" I said

"Anyways I have to leave or kyoya will..."

I stopped realizing what my words meant

"That's right this is my last day as kyoya's fiancée from tomorrow and the day after that I won't know him anymore" I said quietly

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