❣️Chapter 10❣️

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October 17th
Bevs POV
  I left Bens house and when I got home, I went to my room and closed the door and I got out my phone and I texted Eddie and Bill to FaceTime me to tell them what happened.
I could tell that both of them weren't alone as Eddie was home, but I could see Richies hair in the camera view as he was most likely laying on him, and I could see that Bill was at Stan's house.
(Bold-Eddie, Italics-Bill, Regular-Bev)
"Ok, ok, tell us what happened" Eddie said excitedly
"Ok, well we went to his house and we were talking and I just kissed him"
Eddie and Bill both screeched so loud I jumped a bit while sitting on my bed.
"Are you serious?" Bill asked
"Yes, I'm very serious"
"Fucking finally, Jesus it's about time you two actually acknowledge your feelings"
"We aren't dating, we just kissed and besides, he told me that since I just got out of a relationship, he doesn't wanna rush it"
"Ugh, you two are exhausting"
"Well talk to him about it, he suggested it"
"You two are perfect for each other. He brings out the best in you"
"He really does"
"Shut up you two"
Time Skip
October 20th
  I skipped first period that Monday to go with Richie to our spot and talk about the whole Ben situation.
"I mean, he has a point you did just break up with the asshole" Richie said
"That's not the point, it's just, ugh I can't explain it" I said
"I can, you're whipped for Benny boy"
"I'm not!"
I heard footsteps and I looked to see who it was and I saw it was Tom. My heart sank. I really hope he didn't hear our conversation. He just looked at us and continued to walk. I was relieved.
Bens POV
First period was over and while I was walking to class, I saw Tom walk up next to me.
"Can I speak to you for a sec?" He said to me
"Why?" I asked
"Isn't that why I'm asking to speak to you?"
I rolled my eyes. "Fine"
He led me to a nearly empty hallway, a few students rushing to get to class.
"What do you want?" I asked him
"What's going on with you and Beverly?" He asked me
"What? nothing"
"You're lying, I heard Bev and Trashmouth talking about you outside just now"
"But we aren't together"
"So what happened?"
"None of your business" I went to walk away, but Tom pushed me against the wall and held me against it so I couldn't move.
"I'm gonna ask you one more time, what happened between you two?"
"Nothing you dickhead!" I yelled in his face
"Oh yeah, then why did I hear her say that she kissed you huh?"
My eyes widened a bit. "What, got nothing to say?" He said
He threw me to the floor and I hit my head.
"Listen here Hanscom, Beverly is mine ok, and I'm gonna get her back, no matter what it takes" he said
"She's not your fucking property dick" I said
He kicked me in the side of my stomach and he began to hit me. I tried to kick him off me, but he was too strong. Finally, he stopped and I was in pain all over.
"I'm getting her back, trust me when I say that" he told me
He stood up and walked away. I tried to get up but it was no use, it hurt too much. I laid my head on the floor and I blacked out.


Maybe, Probably-BenverlyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang