The truth behind the lies {39}

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I snapped awake to the smell of burning flesh and the screams of pure terror.

This is how it ends.

I was chained to a wall, fresh cuts lacing my skin like I was someone's canvas and they messed up.

This is how it ends.

I can feel the flames. I can see the pain.

I can see the demons.

This is how it ends.

I look to my right and left.

All of the other saviors are chained as well. None of them are awake.

"Harry? Aly? Wake up!"

I begin crying. Painfully sobbing.

"Wake up!"

I scream and beg. the chains rattling.
I can feel my veins burning, but I don't care.

I hear the chains snap and I fall to the ground, landing on my knees.

I feel the sheer strength rip through me. I scream out in pain and slam the ground with all of my might.

There's a bright light that emits from the flames and more screams can be heard clearer.

I stand up confidently, looking back at the wall of my friends.

"This will happen this way."

You have no other choice.

"That's what you want me to think."

I have imprisoned you.

"You have imprisoned the thought of me."

There's no where to run.

"Who said I was running? I am a savior, not a coward. I don't run. I fight. I end wars."

Are you going to fight me?

"No. I'm going to end this war."

I slam my fists on the ground again, in hopes that what harry has taught me payed off.

The light gets brighter.

"You will not control us! You will not take us! We are here to save! Step from walls! Break your chains and join me."
One by one, every savior wakes up, breaks the chains, and steps down.

"We belong to no one."

This is how it begins.


My name is Yasmaine and I've been taken. I'm fairly short with long braided hair and dark, almost black, eyes. I have tan skin and curves that always held me back from certain activities that involved getting active.
I'm 19. I have one tattoo. the words 'savior' on my collarbone. I don't know why I got it. I just did.


"Come on Yazzie! we are gonna be late for the party!" my friend Amy yelled as we walked along the sidewalk.

Tonight was the biggest party in the neighborhood and I was lucky enough to snatch some invitations for Amy and I.

"Not my fault Jack lives so far away."

"True." she smiled.

"Do you think there's gonna be alcohol?" Amy asked slowing down to walk beside me.

"Without a doubt."

"Are you gonna drink any?" she asked hoping I'd say no so I could walk her home.

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