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"I'll be fine my dude!" I say to my best friend at the airport.

"Whatever, bring home a cute boyfriend for yourself!" I roll my eyes and hug her.

"What's the point? Loves like... why even bother?" She fake gasps and puts her hand on her chest.

"But you know you love me!" She quickly puts on an evil grin. I shove her gently on the shoulder.

"Whatever, see you winter break!"

" Bye Y/N! "

"Bye Alli!" A voice comes over an intercom informing me that I have five minutes to get on my plane. I push my way through bodies pulling my suitcase behind. I'm shoved and thrown off to the side a bit but I make it.

On the plane I sit by the window and put my ear buds in. I listen to Panic! At the Disco and slowly drift off to sleep.

I was wrong that day. Not about seeing Alli again after winter break or going off on a plane, more about love and my past viewpoint of it...

The plane landed about two hours after I had boarded. I quickly get off and was fully awoken by the Florida heat. It was my first year of college, in a state miles and miles away from my home in a small town of Ohio. I claimed my luggage and started towards the bus stop. I didn't have a rental car and I'm too insecure to Uber. The bus stops and I pay the driver. I don't know if busses back at home are just mostly empty but this one felt a lot more crowded then what I was used to.  The seats were all empty and I had to stand, which I was okay with.  I popped my ear buds back into my ears and held in tight to my luggage.  A man sitting down by me stands up.

"Excuse me?" He says with an English accent, trying to get my attention.  I turn around and take my ear buds out.  He was carrying his own luggage.  Her was about my night and probably my age too, he had glasses and chocolate brown hair.  He was wearing a green hoodie despite it being over 90 outside, but shorts.

"Wassup?" He gestures to his seat.

"I can stand."

"So can I, my dude.  Thanks though, you don't need to give up your seat.". He shrugs and says,

"Well then I'll just stand too then. " he grins and stands up how I was before, gripping his luggage.  We chat for a bit and he introduces himself as Sub.  I figure it's a nickname but it's what he wants to be called so like, why question it?  I introduce myself and we find out that we're both here for college.  When the bus stops about a block away from my college I get out of the bus.  We're both surprised to see each other getting out at the same time.

"Lemee guess, your going to-"

"The same college as you?  Most likely my dude." I finish for him with a grin.  

We reach the college and go to the forms first.  We part our ways as I go over to the elevator with a key.  I'm on the second floor which isn't that bad if I ever need to use the stairs or some'n.  I walk over to my new dorm, setting down my luggage.  I fidget with the key until the door finally opens revealing a huge dorm.  I walk in and see a girl with blond hair and glasses sitting on the couch.  She looks up at me and smiles.

"Christy!  The new girl is here!" She stands up and a girl with long brown hair and freckles comes out from a hallway. She waved and I smile. The Christy girl is wearing a t-shirt and sport shorts, and the girl with blond hair and glasses is wearing jean shorts and a blouse.

"Hey, I'm Y/N." I introduce. They nod and Christy says,

" I'm Christy, as you may already know from loud mouth over here, aka Amie." She kinda solutes me and gets up to show me my room. I start un-packing my junk when I hear the door getting thrown open and a guys voice yelling,

"I'm home! Did you miss me babe?" I walk out of my room and see Amie hugging this dude with his brown hair swept to one side and a baseball cap holding it all up.

"I missed youu!" She gushed and they hugged again. I roll my eyes at th scene. When they pull apart he seems to notice me standing there.

"Uh?" He asks pointing to me.

"New girl." Amie says. I dramatically throw my arms into the air.

" I'm right here! " She smiles and says,

"Ethan this is Y/N. Y/N, this is my boyfriend Ethan Best." I nod at him. Christy comes out of her room.

" Hey Ethan! How was your summer back out in the woods? " he rolls his eyes but a smile stays on his face.

"It was alright, I got to see Kaitlyn and Lucas so that made it a lot better." A puzzled look must come across my face because Ethan adds, " My niece and nephew. "

Everyone talked for a bit on the couch and then Ethan left to unpack at his dorm, which was two floors above ours.

"So, Y/N, what are you studying?" Amie asks breaking the silence that crept up on us once he had left.

"K, so, don't make fun of me but computer designing and videogame stuff. I've just always had an interest in it." They nod and Amie says,

" Fashion for me. "

"Art for me, I'm also on the volleyball team though." Christy says and I make an " oof" sound. She laughs and I stand back up to unpack before the first actual day, when classes start.


And I oop-

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