Chapter 32.- The dead and their secrets

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" So now you expect me to save both of your asses?"
I had never been so unsure of a person in my entire life. When Max told me about Reyna, I wanted to stop the car and drive off the next cliff. She was a well known player in the crime scene, mainly for her sickening and psychotic methods when it came to handling business, enemies and her clients. It was best to stay on her good side - which by itself wasn't the nicest of the nice. She was the type of woman you avoid at all costs. But at the moment that damn bitch was my only option.

„ Well, it would be great. I don't quite feel like dying yet. Maybe tomorrow?"

I am ignored while the tanned woman gets up , boots clicking as she begins to pace back and forth up, deep in thought.
" I have to say though...This sure is a very well played game. Yes very well indeed."
She giggles, twirling a strand of her short brown hair around with a look of delight.
" But not good enough to trick me."
Reyna stops, grinning widely. Her gaze now rests on me, burning deep holes into my skin. I wiggle in my seat, feeling slightly uncomfortable under such surveillance.
" You see my dear, you simply have no idea what really is going on!"
A masked figure enters, carrying a brown envelope, which is handed over to the speaking female. It's rather thick, as if someone had tried to stuff as much as possible in there, wrinkles covering the paper. A word had hastily been scribbled in black marker on the front, almost unreadable. I squint, cocking my head sideways to be able to read the letters.
It was a name.


" Does it ring a bell ?"
Reyna had sat down again, now directly across from where I was seated. I shake my head. Never in my life had I heard or known a person called "Jade". Due to my choice of lifestyle it was always difficult meeting new people, making my number of actual acquaintances extremely low and at the same time easy to remember. If I had ever crossed paths with someone by the name of Jade, then I definitely would be able to recall it. But I couldn't, which made me even more confused why I should.
" Do you remember this?"
A old photo is slid across the polished surface of the table to me.
In it one can make out three figures: a woman, a man and a young girl, probably around the age of three or four.

A family.

The mother was holding the child, their laughter captured in the moment. A loving look adorned her features, one only a mother could have. For some reason she looked familiar, however I did not know why. The man and potential father stood proudly behind them, arms gently wrapped around the two most precious things in his life.
They looked happy, without a care in the world.

Once again I shake my head.
No. I could not remember a moment like that in my life.

"What a pity."

Max leans over, quietly studying the picture. I hand it to her, then turn my attention to Reyna, who is busy pulling out more sheets from the envelope.

" Who are they?"
I ask her, my curiosity simply too big to conceal. She smiles, for once holding a look of pity in her eyes.

" That was Emilia and Joseph Carter together with their child on her birthday. My sister was friends with them funny enough...they worked as journalists for a big agency in America and were well known world wide for their columns. Ah...yes. They were a wonderful couple, courageous, warm hearted and generous with a wonderful sense of humour."

Another picture is passed across. In it one can clearly make out the couple again, together with their child and another young woman - supposedly Reyna's sister. They were standing in the middle of the streets of a big city, smiling broadly as the photo was captured.

" Is that-"

Reyna cuts me off, nodding.

" That's them in Seoul. They came to Korea for a case. A detective had asked them to help out with finding information on a certain Drug Empire run by the infamous De Ville family."

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