"Have to go." Dad said rushing to say his goodbye's. "Luke's here." He yelled as he walked out the door.

"Good morning, Mrs. Heart." He greeted.

"Good morning, Luke." She smiled. "Help yourself to anything." She said as she left to go upstairs.

"Now?" He asked coming around to me.

"No," I said.

"Good morning." Lulu chimed.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked.

She shrugged as she packs her lunch. She hasn't done that since Max and her broke up.

"Is this about Calum?" I asked.

"Obviously." She scoffed.

"Did you guys do it?" I whispered.

"No, I'm just happy, okay?" She said through her teeth.

"Okay," I said backing away from her. "Are you riding with us?"

"I would say Calum's picking me up but he's grounded."

"So that's a yes."

"And be a third wheel with you two?" She shook her head. "Not a chance. I'm going to take the bus."

"Let's go." I said grabbing Luke's hand.

She followed out, then a car pulled up. "On second thought, I will ride with you." She said rushing us to Luke's car. "Hurry up." She yelled as we got in. "Drive."

"What's wrong with you?" I asked as we left the house.

"That's Max's dad's car. He's probably using it." She said.

"Tell him to back off." Luke grabbed my hand and listened to our conversation.

"I haven't spoken to him since yesterday... If you count screaming at him talking to him."

"Whatever." I waved her off. I groaned with frustration when I realized I left the project at home.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked.

"I left the poster board." I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "Fuck." I murmured.

"I'll go get it," He said pulling up into school. "I'll drop it off to you."

I sighed. "Fine." 

I leaned in and gave him a kiss. "You know, if you go with me, we can do more than a simple kiss." He whispered to me.

"Really, Luke?" Lulu groaned.

"I would love that, but I have class." I answered. I desperately want to go with him, but I don't want him to fail. I don't mind failing, but Luke actually has a future unlike me.

He groaned then kissed my head. "I'll see you later."

Lulu was out of the car before I knew it. She was strutting off to class with one of her friends. I, on the other hand, walked slowly by myself.

"Lola," From the corner of my eye I found Vance jogging over to me. I didn't bother to stop for him. "Lola, wait."

"What, Vance?" He caught up to me and I glared at him. Him and Mikey, show up at the worst time possible.

"I'm sorry about what happened with you and Mikey."

"That was days ago, leave it alone."

"I can't, not when my cousin's sulking in his own guilt."

"Don't guilt trip me, Vance." I turned around and he halted in front of me. "He spoke his mind already, I don't need to be yelled at again."

"He didn't mean to yell at you, but what do you expect from a guy who bottled up his feelings for you for three years?" I was silent. I didn't know how to answer his question. "Just talk to him, clear things up."

"Clear what up? My feelings? I don't have any!"

"Yes, you do." I crossed my arms and anticipated for what he had next. "For Luke."

I rolled my eyes and walked down the never ending hallway. I heard his footsteps follow me, so I quickened my pace. Why won't he leave me alone.

"Lola," he grabbed my arm and spun me to face him. "I know you say you don't and you might not do relationships, but I can see you're developing something for him."

"If I am, then that's not my fault. You're cousin has no right to yell at me for something I can't control!"

"He can't control his either!" He barked. "He's your friend." He said calmly.

"I don't know what we are now." I commented.

"Be friends again."

I shook my head. "It's not that simple, I can't act like Saturday never happened. We both said things and it will linger in our heads for who knows how long? It'll be awkward between the two of us now." I finished my speech and went to class.

"Ms. Heart," Mr. Howard said, stopping my tracks at his desk. "Mr. Hemmings isn't here today but are you able to present your project?"

"Yeah," I paused for a moment. "Can we do it when he gets back?"

"The quarter ends soon and I need your grade for the project."

I sighed. "Yeah, I'll present it today, someone will be dropping it off." I said before heading to my seat.

"What's so good about her anyway?" I heard Tara ask. "I mean, she's a goth freak."

I resent that comment. I'm not a goth freak, I'm pretty sure I'm nowhere near goth. I don't wear heavy makeup or boots. I'm a freak not a goth freak.

"Well, she's different than most girls. She has confidence and boys find that attractive." I heard a girl say to her.

"I'm confident." She crosser her arms and huffed. "She's no good for any of them."

Believe me, I know.

He didn't bring in the project, he didn't even text me saying he wasn't coming. I had everything postponed till tomorrow. I didn't bother waiting for him to pick me up, instead I walked to the cemetery, since I haven't been there in awhile.

"Hey," I said, dropping my bag and sitting in front if her. "Long time no see." I chuckled.

I checked my phone again and no message. I sighed and tossed my phone aside.

"Something happened today between Luke and I." I confessed to her. "Last night went so well, even this morning, until he dropped me to school."

And it's true, last night was great, just laying with him as we drifted to sleep. When I woke up, I felt refreshed and happy, nothing I've ever felt before. Now, I don't know what happened, maybe it's because I made him leave through the window?

"He makes me feel things, Diana." I said. "Things that I love but hate. I know I said I'd never be in a relationship but Luke's different." I chuckled at myself. "I sound like a love sick girl . . . it's true, I think I do have feelings for him but I know it's not simple."

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