When Hayley Met Mackenzie

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Naperville Illinois September 13,2007.Dwight D.Eisenhower High School.Other students are walking from place to place and getting to where they need to be.A car pulls up in front of the school and a pair of girl's legs come out of the car and start walking.The song "Misery Business"by Paramore plays in the background.The girl continues to walk and the other students do not appear to notice her.

"Dear Diary

My life dwsucks!

The girl is now scene and it is revealed that she has red hair and she's wearing a beanie and that she's wearing short shorts,a gray shirt with skulls,a black plastic chocker  and sneakers.The girl's name is Hayley Jacobs and she's 16-years old.The bell rings and Hayley and the others enter the school.Hayley walks up to her a locker and opens it.The two girls show up.

"Hey Hayley,nice to see that you're still getting your clothes from the dump"said one of the girls Amber Hudson.

"Screw you Amber"said Hayley

"White Trash!"said Piper Taylor Amber's sidekick.Amber and Piper high five.

"Gee for two popular and socially connected girls,it seems like you have nothing to do but bother me"said Hayley with a smirk on her face.

"You...Are Worthless!"said Amber.She and Piper walk away.Hayley flashes a smile of victory on her face.The the bell rings and Hayley goes to her first class which is U.S History with Mr.Henry Baker.

Mr.Henry Baker's U.S History Class.

Mr.Baker is not in the classroom at this moment.Hayley enters the classroom and she sits down next to a girl with long strawberry blonde hair wearing a a black shirt and a plaid skirt.

"Hey"said Hayley nervously but with a slight smile on her face trying to hide it.

"Hello"said the girl 17-year old Mackenzie Burroughs.

"I'm Hayley,who are you?"asked Hayley

"I'm Mackenzie and let me make one thing clear,I'm not your friend"said Mackenzie.The teacher Mr.Bakers Class.

"Good Morning Class,let's take an exciting trip through the history of our great country"said Mr.Baker.

"Great country my A**"said Mackenzie Burroughs under her breathe.

"I heard that Ms.Burroughs!"said Mr.Baker hearing Mackenzie's comment.

"Today we will be discussing American Expansion West".Mackenzie raises her hand.

"Yes Ms.Burroughs"said Mr.Baker unenthusiastically.

"Mr.Baker aren't we gonna discuss the massacre and rape of indigenous peoples and the fact that this country(the supposedly greatest country in the world),committed genocide  pretty much like Nazi Germany"replied Mackenzie.The whole class has a collective groan all except for Hayley who is actually intrigued.

"Ms.Burroughs how many times do I have to tell you to keep your annoying leftist comments to your self"said Mr.Baker.

"Leftist Comments?,I was only speaking the truth!"countered Mackenzie

"This isn't "The Colbert Report""replied Mr.Baker.The whole class giggles.Mackenzie sits down in her seat in complete defeat.

"Oh and Ms.Burroughs,you can "speak the truth"all you want a in detention after school this Thursday".The whole class giggles and this makes Mackenzie even more upset which is clearly evident on her face.Hayley looks upset too and she appears to know that this is completely wrong and unjust.It is now time to change classes and Mackenzie and Hayley are in the same chemistry class also.

Andrea Hoover's Chemistry Class

Mackenzie is sitting at her lab station in complete despair.She's tapping her class beaker with her pencil.Hayley sits next Mackenzie.Mackenzie just moves her stool away.Hayley moves her stool closer.Mackenzie one again moves her stool farther away.Hayley once again moves her stool closer.

"What do you want?"asked Mackenzie.

"To talk to you"answered Hayley.

"Well I don't wanna talk how about that?!"responded Mackenzie.

"Hey I'm just here to help you!"responded Hayley.

"Don't get testy with me!".

"I just wanna be alone right now okay?"said Mackenzie increasingly annoyed.Mackenzie finally decides to comply with Mackenzie's wishes and just stays silent.In the lab station in front of them two girls are listening and singing along to the song "London Bridge"by Fergie on their iPods.

"Holy shit I hate that song with a Fucking passion!"said Mackenzie.Mackenzie .puts on her earbuds for her iPod and she listens and sings alongs to the "American Idiot"by Green Day.This interests Hayley because Green Day is one of her favorite bands and "American Idiot"is one of her favorite bands by Green Day.Hayley taps Mackenzie on her shoulder.

"What?!"said Mackenzie annoyed taking one of her earbuds out.

"You like Green Day?"asked Hayley.

"Heck yeah I do,they're one of my favorite bands!"answered Mackenzie.

"Mine to!"said Hayley.

"Name other songs you know"challenged Mackenzie.

"Holiday,Boulevard of Broken Dreams,Basket Case,Welcome to Paradise and She"said Hayley.

"Impressive!"said Mackenzie shocked and impressed.

"Tell me more about you".

"My favorite movies are Heathers,Ghost World,Dazed and Confused,The Breakfast Club,and Juno"said Hayley

"I loves those movies too!"said Mackenzie smiling.

"I have three tickets to see Juno this Saturday wanna come?"

"My cousin Alison's gonna be there too"

"The band geek?"asked Hayley

"Yeah"answered Mackenzie a little annoyed

"Sure,anything to get me out of my house"said Hayley.

"Favorite show?"asked Mackenzie.

"Gilmore Girls,The O.C,Gossip Girl,Degrassi and One Tree Hill"answered Hayley.

"Ok not too bad"responded Mackenzie.

"Degrassi's more my taste,Well Degrassi and South Park".

"You seem like a pretty cool chick"

"So do you"responded Hayley.

Mackenzie nods.

Dwight D.Eisenhower High School Cafeteria.

Students are all scrambling for a place to sit.As everyone is looking a place to sit.Mackenzie and Hayley is sitting,laughing and talking together.

The All American Rejects Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora