CHAPTER 3: Please

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"Eunsoo Noona," Hoseok called out to his spaced-out companion trying to get a reaction from her, "do you want to make a baby with me?"

"Yeah," Eunsoo absent-mindedly answered as she picked at the grass in front of her mother's headstone. "Sure. Whatever you want, Hoseok-ah."

Hoseok's eyes grew wide. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Double checking, he said, "Can we do it now? Here, in public?"

"Sure thing..." Eunsoo replied again, her eyes unfocused as her hands busied themselves in uprooting vegetation.

Hoseok reached over and violently shook his friend. "Yah! Are you hearing what you're saying?"

Eunsoo just blinked at him, confused.

"You-," Hoseok breathed out, feeling frustrated with his friend. "You just agreed to have sex with me in public. You agreed to do it right here, right now! Unbelievable! If I wasn't such an angel I'd be humping you right now..."

"I said that?" Eunsoo was suddenly fully awake. Realizing what she had said to Hoseok, color started creeping up her neck. "I'm sorry, Hob-ah! Things have been a bit rough lately."

"You know you can always talk to me, right, Noona?" Hoseok reminded her. "You can trust me with anything. If you don't trust me still, just remember that I kept your secret for more than two years now."

"C-can I really?" Eunsoo's eyes started to water and Hoseok became alarmed.

"It's okay," he tried to comfort her. "Come here. Let me hold you while you tell Hob-ie Oppa all about your problems." Eunsoo didn't smile at Hoseok's emphasis on the word oppa. She just scooted over to Hoseok's side and laid her head on his shoulder.

Oh, god. Something huge must have happened, Hoseok guessed. By her silence and tight grip on his waist, Hoseok knew Eunsoo was crying. He waited for her until she was comfortable enough to speak her mind.

"He found out," Eunsoo whispered, her voice trembling. "Yoongi found out and he hates me. I should have known better. Feelings based on lies can not last long."

"Well," Hoseok thought hard about what to say next. He knew Eunsoo was in the wrong but he still didn't want to add to her heartaches. "We can't blame Yoongi Hyung... It must have hurt more for him because of the type of relationship the two of you shared. He had an identity crisis because of you, you know."

"I know... It makes me sick every single time I think about it. All the lies I've said and all the hurt I've caused. I hate myself so much that it feels overwhelming sometimes."

"Yah! Jung Hoseok!" A deep voice coming from behind them demanded. Eunsoo dreaded to see who the deep familiar voice belonged to. "What the f*ck are you doing here with Lee Eunsoo!?"

As both Hoseok and Eunsoo turned to look at the approaching individual, Eunsoo fought the urge to throw up. But seeing Yoongi in the flesh with his eyes burning in anger added pressure to her splitting headache, which has been building since this morning. Eunsoo ran for the nearest storm drain and vomited. In the background, she could hear the men arguing.

"You know what!? F*ck you, Jung Hoseok!" Yoongi screamed and started walking away. "Don't ever show up in front of me ever again!"

"Yoongi!" Eunsoo called out weakly, standing up on wobbly knees. "Wait! Please! It's not his fault!"

This caught Yoongi's attention. He abruptly turned around and gave Eunsoo a cold stare. "Why is it not his fault, huh!? Unbelievable! You're covering for your real boyfriend, then! The two of you- You have been playing me this entire time!? Tell me, Eunsoo. Was it fun seeing me an emotional mess!?

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