CHAPTER 2: It's Not Like That

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One warm afternoon, when Summer prepared her baggage as she felt Fall's near arrival, when the ants worked double time to make sure their stores were full for winter, and when children stuffed their faces with the corner store's cheap ice pops so they wouldn't miss eating them when Fall finally brought the cold winds of impending winter, two lovers held hands as they smiled brightly at each other. She giggled at his little jokes, making him feel like a hundred. While he held her securely to his side as if at any moment she could disappear before his eyes.

They stood patiently in an elevator now as he whispered things to her that made her blush. A gentle smile curved his lips as he quickly kissed her cheek. A gentle smile that hid the mischief that he felt building inside.

The elevator dinged. They finally arrived at their destination and she pulled him towards the hallway playfully.

"Hyuuuuung!!!!!!" Voices suddenly screamed.

"But then the phone rings

Your dad asks when you're coming back home

Oh my god, the mood was so good

Before I sleep, I get angry at my blanket again

It was so good..."


Yoongi groaned out loud before slowly opening one eye to take a peek at the people he needed to punish. Two heads were crammed in his field of vision. Jimin and Taehyung. They looked worriedly at him, both their eyes wide and round.

"It was so good..." Yoongi groaned again, thinking about the remnants of his dream. "You ruined it!"

"Guys," Jungkook spoke up from the foot of the bed. "I think Yoongi hyung's not having a nightmare nor is he sick. It's just... a flag ceremony. Let's go!"

Jimin caught where Jungkook put his eyes before scurrying out of Yoongi's room. He looked and it dawned on him that maybe they shouldn't have disturbed Yoongi's afternoon nap.

"Leave," Yoongi instructed in a deceptively flat tone as he propped himself up on one arm.

"Sorry, Hyung." Taehyung quickly apologized before he and Jimin made themselves disappear.

"Sh*t," Yoongi whispered as he looked down at himself. "It always feels so good but, when I wake up, I feel so f*cking unfaithful. Even if it's her..."


"Yorobun," Eunsoo addressed her subordinates cheerily. "Please evacuate or transfer to a different workout room."

"Sure thing, Boss!" The new maknae of the company responded happily, not noticing how the older bodyguards hurriedly packed their stuff as if an impending disaster was about to happen.

"Kid quit smiling and hurry the f*ck up," one of the senior employees instructed the oblivious maknae. "You don't wanna be here when her smile runs out."

"Why?" The newbie questioned, looking confused at the men and their seemingly chirpy boss.

"Because if you don't obey, she'll think you're challenging her," Jaeho supplied for the confused kid. "She might accidentally make you an unwilling sparring partner. Correction. Turn you into a punching bag!"

"She... she can't seriously be like that! She looks and seems like the peppy type," the kid argued with Jaeho.

"I mean, normally, she doesn't come here but you know it's bad when she does. Kid, what do you think is the reason why everyone here respects her but also fears her?" Jaeho let the kid think up his own reason as he hurriedly pushed him out the door.

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