I'm dark, you light up my path.

Beginne am Anfang

Y/N noddded, licking her lips. "Thank you...but why?" She looked up and found Vanessa is already looking at her intently which she looked away because it's her weakness. Eye contact. She doesn't want anyone to see through her, to know the what lies beneath of the things she felt about the world. She can tell countless lies and smile fakely because that what she knows, she know it all too well, the world wouldn't care a damn thing about her and just left her with silent nods. With all the things she'd said, it won't matter to people whom she converse with or so she thought, but she could practically saw in their eyes, they are not interested in her, not even in the slightest bit.

Vanessa snapped her fingers infront of Y/N since she was staring off into space. Y/N shooked all her thoughts away as she shaked her head when she came back into the reality, looking up at Vanessa.

Y/N rosed her eyebrows, clearing her throat. "Um what?" she said nervously.

Vanessa giggled at her flustered face, waving her hand dismissively. "Oh, nothing. Let's just pretend that you didn't ask me a question." She teased Y/N, grabbing the tray of food from the nightstand and plopping it down on Y/N's lap gently.

"Suit yourself and call me if you need anything. I'll give you time to think."

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows at Vanessa, who's already slamming the door behind her. She averted her gaze on the tray as she heard her stomach growl. She purses her lips, then sighed and it takes a couple of minutes before she take the spoon and wasted no time slurping the soup.

After Y/N finishes her food, she put the tray back on the nightstand and deciding to head towards the bathroom. She made sure to lock the door before looking at the mirror. Chuckling to herself when she saw her face. Untamed hair, gloomy tired-eyes and her cheek bones are starting to peek out. Sighing to herself as she turned the faucet on, washing her face while closing her eyes. Letting the cold water dampen her face as she let her worries away with the water. There's just something with the water that Y/N couldn't explain. It was her second safe haven before her, of couse. She'd drown herself through the water until those worries, doubts and pain washed off from her body for awhile to be alive again. Y/N turn off the faucet and face the mirror.

She try to smile for her sake, be okay for a moment but she can't. Y/N can't move on from her past. She don't know why she can't close the book if it's hurting her too much, if it's consuming her to waste her time but nonetheless maybe she hope that Camila loved her still.

She sighed again, it's seems like to her it became a habit. Y/N opened the door of the bathroom and gripping her shirt to wipe away her wet face, she didn't want to be rude and use someone's towel.

She heard someone singing from below and checked it out to see. She tiptoed down the stairs, walking down the hallway quitely and that's when she heard a 80's sound music like. Y/N didn't know who is the singer. She peeked through the frame of the kitchen and saw Vanessa dancing goofily around the kitchen while cooking something on the stove.

Y/N chuckles quitely, leaning her body against the frame while crossing her arms. But Vanessa heard her despite of her loud blasting music. She froze in her spot and looked around to see Y/N giving her a small smile.

Vanessa feel her cheeks warmed before turning the stove off and motioning for Y/N to enter and eat with her to push her embrassment away.

But Y/N shooked her 'no' yet she sat on the chair opposite side of Vanessa. She looked at the girl intently, as green eyes slowly eat her food in silent. Tilting her head, examining the girl infront of her. She thought 'cute' suits the green-eyed girl but as she thought more and stare at her features, Y/N found Vanessa gorgeous in her eyes but she won't admit it since she had a feeling it would be awkward and don't want to imply that she's a creep.

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