Thor and Ymir both had spears now as they squared off. Soldiers on both sides wisely backed off as this would be the battle that decided it all.

Ymir smirked as she sent a wave of frost towards Thor. Ice sprouted up and encased him up to his lower torso. She then dashed forward hoping to impale the Aesier with her spear. Thor, however, was quick and managed to deflect the blow before shattering the ice with his thunder.

"That's fighting dirty!" Thor growled.

"This is a battle you oaf! If you got it, flaunt it!" Ymir shouted before sending several energy balls at Thor.

"You sound like my brother," Thor mumbled as he dodged.

Ymir lifted a brow and said "Smart brother....." just before she charged. Spear clashed against spear and Loki had to roll his eyes and shout "Use the spear like your hammer Thor!" when it became apparent that Thor didn't know the full extent of Gungnir. Odin of course only let them touch the spear on special occasions and Thor sometimes tuned out several lectures when they were younger.

Thor sent the thunder through Gungnir and an insanely powerful beam of light shot out causing Ymir to dodge. She barely managed to avoid the attack as it seared part of her cloak. The beam of light kept going, breaking through enemy lines and hitting the ice palace. When it stopped a very large hole could be seen going through the palace all the way to the other side.

"MY PALACE!" Both Hela and Ymir shouted. Loki's daughter shot a glare at the woman that had sent her fleeing from her throne.

"Oooookay, that is way overpowered!" Snotlout muttered as the Dragon Riders watched from the sky along with the Valkyries.

"Are you kidding?!" Tuffnut asked. "That was SO COOL!" The twins then declared in unison.

"There has to be a catch, right?" Hiccup asked aloud. "Because if that isn't the case then why hadn't Odin used this destructive power at the beginning of the battle."

Thor readied himself for another strike just as Hiccup said that and then frowned when Gungnir wouldn't respond. "Loki?!!!! I think it's broken!" Thor shouted as he now had to parry attacks from Ymir as she drove him back.

"It needs to recharge you dolt! Didn't you read the user's manual father gave us?!" Loki shouted before coughing up some blood as Eir tended to him again.

"I had a date with Sif that night!" Thor reasoned as he got blown back into the crowd while Loki groaned.

"Of course you did," Loki muttered and rolled his eyes.

Ymir took great pleasure in driving her ice spear through Thor's lower abdomen. Thor shouted in pain and drew the icicle out while trying to stem the flow of blood. He stood up on shaky legs and glared at the white-haired woman.

"When will you realize you are no match for me?" Ymir asked haughtily.

Thor let out an angry snarl as he charged at Ymir. Both of their powers clashed sending shockwaves through the crowd. Cracks started forming in the ice around them as it looked like a stalemate again. It was then that Thor noticed what Sigyn wanted to tell him. He moved quickly, not giving Ymir a chance to react as he broke off the power clash and did a leg sweep.

Ymir yelped as she fell to the ground. She landed in the snow with a 'thud' but quickly got up again and formed another spear. Thor used Gungnir to parry and then he got closer. With all his might Thor used his thunder and directed it at Ymir's right leg. The woman shouted in pain as the thunder broke bone. She retreated backwards and now stood with a limp.

"Wait what happened?" Snotlout was confused as he watched the faceoff.

"Thor targeted her legs because Ymir's defenses are low there." Astrid explained as they watched. "With her magic she must have been focussing most of her defense around her hands and upper body."

The Eternal Valkyrie: War of the Realms (HTTYD fic)Where stories live. Discover now