Part 46

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Chapter 45

Back to the Present

Hiccup and Toothless as well as all the others on the battlefield were blinded by the light the lightning produced as it shot into the air and crackled into the clouds. They shielded their eyes and when the light finally subsided they could breathe easily for Thor stood at the epicenter of the blast, broken ice crystal shards around him end free from Ymir's hold.

"You witch!" Thor bellowed "Ready your head to meet my hammer!"

"You tell her hubby!" Sif called from somewhere on the field as she cheered her husband on.

Ymir cocked her head to the right as if she was regarding Thor as a minor nuisance. She threw the unconscious Sigyn to the side and then stalked closer to the Thunderer. "Batteries should be seen not heard," Ymir stated impassively, which caused Thor to bristle.

Jerry, who had reverted back to his humanoid form, clutched his injured arm that he received from the backlash of thunder. It would heal in a few hours but he instinctively stepped back as he knew that look on his uncle's face.

Thor lifted his hand, his signature move for calling his hammer to him. It looked like time stopped on the battlefield as everyone watched. The eerie silence was interrupted by the destruction of one of the Ice Palace walls as Mjolnir came flying out from wherever Ymir had left it when she had possessed Thor's body.

"Feel the fury of my hammer!" Thor called out and eagerly awaited for the familiar grip of his weapon, though that never came. Thor's eyes widened near comically as Ymir seemed to have plucked Mjolnir out of the air as it was about to fly into his hand.

Ymir's red eyes examined the hammer that she had taken from its trajectory with mild curiosity. But that lasted but an instant and the curiosity vanished as quickly as it came. "The fury of your hammer?" She taunted. "If it wasn't for the actual weapon here I would have thought you were making suggestive comments towards my person."

Thor, and several others choked and sputtered at that statement. All eyes were on Ymir as she casually held the hammer. And their eyes widened as she then just as casually crushed it into scrap.

"MY HAMMER!" Thor exclaimed.

"It was useless and small," Ymir stated nonchalantly before adding "Just like its owner. An ant facing a Queen."

Ymir conjured an icicle spear and advanced on the still shocked Thor. "This is the end for you!" She said and was about to deliver the final blow when she was tackled to the ground by none other than Loki.

"Keep your hands off my brother!" Loki shouted as he and the woman landed in the snow with a heavy thud. The Trickster groaned as he felt blood along his thigh. Eir was so going to kill him if the blood loss didn't.

"Loki, you called me brother!" Thor called out happily, snapping out of his daze about his broken hammer to look at Loki with incredulous eyes while the Dragon Riders had to send a volley of fireballs at Ymir to keep her from advancing on the injured Loki.

"Don't get used to it!" Loki shouted. "A little less gawking and a bit more fighting! Ymir has nothing to recharge her powers with. She's vulnerable!"

"But my hammer!" Thor exclaimed.

"You were made by Creation magic itself son. It was never the hammer. It just channeled your powers!" Odin spoke up as he threw Gungnir at Thor. The Thunderer caught the spear with ease. "Creation magic must defeat Creation magic. Nothing else can."

"Thor....." Sigyn had regained some consciousness and called for the Prince's attention. "Her legs....." She couldn't finish the sentence as she slipped back into unconsciousness due to her injuries. Freya was near, the beautiful woman decked out in battle armor checked on Sigyn and started tending to her wounds. The fighting had all but stopped as Thor faced Ymir.

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