Chapter 10 - Jumping Trains

Start from the beginning

            “And you’re going to kill me Ford?” Lori scoffed. “Please, I’m not some monster in the dark.” Lori took a step towards the two and Erin instantly looks  a fighting stance. “Plus, two against one isn’t fair, so I took some precautions against this. I have someone you love Ford, very dearly.”

            “If you hurt anyone I care about again,” Ford shouted taking a fighting stance as well.  

            “It depends how fast you are.” Lori continued to approach the two; her heels clicking on the cement. “I’m sure you’re familiar with 1801 California Street.” Lori smirked. Ford knew that building well; it was one of the tallest ones in Denver. “You are, well, if you get there before the ice melts…he’ll live,” Lori looked Ford in the eye. If not, well, at least he’ll have a great view before he dies.”

            Ford glanced at Erin his eyes panicked with fear. He spun around on the balls of his feet and darted off the opposite direction. His mind raced to his father and he knew that that was a target that Lori liked to go after.

            “Lori what are you doing?” Erin made a small dagger appear in her hand. She knew that this was the real Lori finally surfacing. Smart, calculating and cold.  

            “What it takes to survive, I taught you that.” Lori closed her eyes then opened them revealing now deep icy blue irises. “I won’t let him take you from me.”

            “I’m not your Lori, I never was,” Erin created one more dagger in her other hand. “And after this little stunt. No way I am following you again.”

            “And so the student seeks to kill the teacher. Lovely,” Lori sent another icy blast at Erin. Erin cart wheeled out of the way and threw both her daggers toward Lori.

            Lori jumped into the air dodging the two blades. She landed on the roof of then nearby train.



            Stepping out of the cab Ford looked up the side of the tall building. He was in downtown Denver and this building was the second tallest building of the Denver skyline. He kept retracing the days prior in his mind and wondered when Lori was spying on him. He should have guessed she would do something like this. Then, he spotted it. Near the 40th floor, sticking to the building was a tomb of ice.

            Running inside, he ran past the security station and to the elevator. He must have had some time, but ice was tricky. He remembered during the summer freezing juice in the freezer and seeing the chunk melt away in the hot sun before he could finish it.

            The elevator dinged and the floor opened. It was cold; Lori had frozen everything, the desks the computers, and some people frozen all the way through. Trying to ignore the dead bodies Ford stepped onto the chunks of melting ice. Moving into one of the offices Ford noticed a thick sheet of ice covering one of the windows. Through it, on the other side was a figure of a man passed out on the cage sticking to the building. Ford looked around him and saw a chair. He grabbed it and started hitting the ice, chipping the melting sheet slowly.

            “Come on,” Ford whispered and smashed the chair into the ice shattering it. Then he saw it, it wasn’t his father Lori had kidnapped, and it was Levi. Almost instantly, Levi began stir and opened his eyes.

            “Ford,” Levi started to sit up then slipped. Then the jock noticed things were not all right. “Ford, what is going on?” Levi was awake now. He looked down as the ice began to spider web.

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