Harry's breathing picked up as his fists balled at his sides. "I never hit him!"

That caused the officer in the corner to move closer to the man. "Watch your tone son."

Detective Benson cleared his throat and leaned in closer to Harry. "Let me tell you something Mr. Styles." He pointed towards the door. "Right across in that room, they're questioning your little rag doll. If they find anything... and I mean anything. A scratch. A bruise. Even a paper cut. I will have the pleasure of cuffing you myself. I'm warning you now. Just one little thing... and you're done. You can kiss your little boy band goodbye."

With that the detective stood to his feet telling Harry not to move and left the room along with the officer, leaving Harry alone with his thoughts. His hands shook as the ager built up inside his body. Hot tears threatened to drop from his eyes but he quickly swiped them away. He didn't want them to see him cry.

Niall on the other hand.... was the complete opposite.

The detective sighed as she watched the boy crumple in front of her. "Niall please just calm down. We just want to ask you questions and take a quick look at your body for any indication of abuse and then you'll be free to go. You have to cooperate if you want to get this over with."

Niall whimpered as he wiped his nose with the back of his sleeve. He just wanted to go home and cuddle with Harry.

Thick silence filled the air. The detective waited a little longer before talking so Niall had time to compose himself. "Alright Niall let's get this over with. How old are you?"

Niall sniffled and tried to speak as clear as possible. "T-Twenty two."

The woman nodded and wrote notes down on her little pad. "Alright, and how long have you and Harry been seeing each other?"

"Two and a half years."

She nodded and took a deep breath trying to speak as calmly as possible. "Do you guys argue a lot or have a lot of disagreements." Niall hesitated for a minute. He wanted to lie and say no but he remembered what Zayn said about being honest and confident. He took a shaky breath, "only sometimes...not a lot."

The woman glanced at the mirror behind the boy knowing all to well that other detectives were listening closely. She put her pen down and placed her full attention on the boy's facial expressions. "Does Harry get angry a lot." She slightly squinted her eyes as she watched Niall. He seemed pretty sure of himself.

Niall shook his head. "Not angry... annoyed a little bit but never really angry."

"Has he ever put his hands on you... even if he was a little annoyed?"

Again Niall shook his head. His anxiety started to kick in a little bit. He nervously glanced around the room and unconsciously tapped his fingers on the table. "No he never hit me before. Not even once."

The detective didn't say anything but she watched his every move.

Niall whimpered and wiped his teary eyes with the back of his sleeve- which was now soiled in a mixture of snot and tears. "W-Why can't Harry sit in here with me?"

The woman shook her head. "Niall we're almost done here. Just a few more questions." She flipped through her notes and carefully skimmed through them. "Does Harry ever scare you or make you uncomfortable."

Niall shook his head. His anxiety kicking up a notch. He just wanted to see Harry. The questions seemed never ending but Niall got through them all- a few more tears were shed but he got through it.

A short woman maybe in her fifties or sixties entered the room wearing a white long coat. The detective stood to her feet and greeted the woman then turned to Niall. "Niall this is Dr. Gomez she's just gonna check everything to make sure you're alright. When she's done just sit here and wait for me to come back. Okay?"

Niall nodded. "And then I get to see Harry?"

The woman nodded with a small smile. "Yes I will let you see him when I return." She left the room closing the door behind her.

Making her way towards the conference room, she stopped when she saw Max. "I'm gonna talk things over with Detective Benson and I will be back with further information. Until I return we are keeping the boys separate." Max nodded suddenly feeling sick to his stomach. The boys weren't the only ones who felt nervous.

The woman entered the conference room and sighed as she plopped down into the chair beside Detective Benson. "How did it go."

The man shrugged, "I don't think that kid would hurt a fly."

The woman nodded. "I think Niall has separation anxiety. He couldn't even focus for too long without asking for Harry."

Detective Benson ran his hand over his bald head and sighed. "We should let them go. There's no evidence that he hit him."

Niall squirmed as Dr. Gomez pushed on his ribs. Her finger were ice cold.

"Alright sweetie, everything looks good to me." She squeezed his cheek and left the room. It didn't take very long for the detective to return. She opened the door but stood in the door way. "Sorry for the wait but you are free to leave. Everything seems to be okay."

Niall stood to his feet and dashed out into the hallway. Harry stood next to Max buttoning up his coat. Without thinking Niall ran over to the lad and tightly wrapped his arms around him. Harry smiled and kissed Niall's nose. "Hi my love, come on let's get home."

They followed both Eddie and Max into the elevator then out the door.

What a day...

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