"MELODY!" Yelled the booming voice of our father.

We turned right after stepping out into the main hall.

Douglas' hand went to my back. "All he can do is yell." He whispered to me in a rush.

Dad approached. His face was reddened and his fists tight. "You do not get to just ignore your responsibilities."

"What am I ignoring?" I demanded, trying to keep my voice calm enough for the people watching from out in the room.

"When was the last time you held a lesson? Hmm? Or organized anything with the council? You haven't done your job since you two decided you're more important than everyone else."

My mouth fell open. "Are you serious?" I couldn't believe this. "I've never in my life put myself above anyone and you know what that's done to me? No you don't. Because you DON'T CARE! IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING," I looked around at all the onlookers as well. "I HAVEN'T BEEN WORKING BECAUSE I'VE BEEN TOO BUSY FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE! NOT BECAUSE I'M TOO BUSY FUCKING A VAMPIRE!"

Every soul in the room was watching me with wide eyes.

"BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?!?!" I continued, too far gone to stop now. "I'VE BEEN DOING THAT TOO!"

So much silence. I started to slowly feel like a crazy person. What did I just do?

"In case anyone was wondering, she means me." Douglas said after way too long.

Beside me, Aiden snorted a short laugh. "Because that wasn't clear enough." He muttered.

Douglas' hand slid into mine. "Come on. I think we're just about done here."

I followed him past everybody and outside. I felt almost numb. What was wrong with me? I knew he wouldn't like it. I knew everyone would judge me. I expected it. So why did it hurt so bad that Dad wasn't supportive?

Tears blurred my vision. It was a good thing Douglas had my hand.

Was it really too much to ask? Did it really matter he was a vampire? Wasn't it more important I was happy? Or that I could be? That I was even trying? Shouldn't my own dad be more concerned with that?

"Why?" I whispered.

Douglas stopped and I realized we were almost to the car. He faced me and Aiden looked back at the building worriedly.

Tingly hands held my cheeks and I looked up into sharp silver eyes. "They don't understand." He muttered. "But they don't have to. You don't need their permission. Angel, you're the white witch. You do what you fucking want."

I breathed a laugh as tears fell. "I do?"

He nodded, a gentle smile softening his eyes. "What you want, when you want, and who you want." His thumbs wiped away my tears.

"Who I want, huh?"

Again, he nodded. "Mmhmm."

I leaned against him. "And when I want?"

His features took on a mischievous tint. "Always." He whispered and inched just a little closer.

"Maybe not right here, right now though." Aiden suggested like it was merely an option.

I grinned and saw Douglas do the same.

"Perhaps." He muttered.


As I approached my deck, I felt a flaming aura hopping around my living room. A big smile stretched my face as I unlocked the door. I pushed it open and the aura stopped. Then it hopped up, flapping his little wings, and perched on the arm of my couch.

The White Witch *COMPLETE*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora