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Hello everyone! Welcome to my roleplay!
There are just a few things I need to clear up.
First, AngelGamer411 is my Roleplay Buddy. There's really no name on what it is that she does but in general she helps me out with stuff and is basically just my, well, Roleplay Buddy.
She's a nice, good, person, so don't be rude to her or I'll hurt you. 
Second, I NEED people to be active. If you don't plan on being active and committing don't even join. Because this will not work unless I have a group of active people. Since nobody wants to be coupled up with a character that's hardly ever on and hardly anybody gets the chance to know them right?
The couples are teams, and that means each person must be active. This is going to be a lot of fun, but only if you put in just as much effort to make it that way.

I'm sorry to say that this roleplays updates and replies on my part will be very slow/irregular for a while.
I will be gone from 7 am till 10 pm every day for the this next week and won't have time to be on Wattpad. I may pop in for a few minutes but that's really all I can do.
For Two weeks after, I'll be preparing, packing, shopping as well as setting up multiple things and plans for a 2-month trip to Guatemala. During that trip, I won't be very active either since I will be spending my time touring with friends and family. (as well as my boyfriend EEK y'all I'm going to die when I see him I swear)
But I promise I'll try my best to be on as often as I can.
I'll be gone for 2-months. And I think it's finally sinking in.
I will however try to update during those six months but I'm going to need to ask everyone to be more independent and kind of figure things out on their own if that's okay.
If it needs to happen I may ask some people to kind of direct things? I'm not sure about that yet, so don't take my word for it.

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