Another child, maybe around nine or ten, dressed in what Like a to be a partially burned, black jumpsuit, a pair of heavy combat boots, two belts that each were black with lime green claspes, and there was a half burned white decal that the team couldn't quite read. His outfit however wasn't what drew the eyes of e team. No, it was his physical features. Fluffy, snow white, hair was stuck to his face by a faint swear created by the room, skin tanned just past the point of a golden bronze sheen. He looked so peaceful, so unnaturally supernatural, exotic.

[A.N: The bold text will hold an echo]

The video image stayed the the same except for one of the over muscle-y men shifting occasionally. That is until the exotic teen's eyes snapped open. The Team of teens watching the video only had a few seconds to gawk at the snow haired boy's glowing lime green eyes that seemed like a vortex of green shading before the young chained male started thrashing and screaming.

"WHERE AM I?" Came an echo like shriek, that startled the Team, from the young male. His thrashing growing in volume by the second, tugging towards the right and left and up towards the ceiling.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" He asked in a booming echo-like voice. The male guard I his right snickered a bit at his distraught form.

The figure continued to thrash around until his bounded wrists and ankles started to heavily seep a glowing lime green liquid and he was heaving in each breathe. That is until the guard by his left side slammed his heart fist into the younger males stomach, causing the supernatural like child to cough and gasp for an intake of air. Of course everyone flinched at the impact, well except Conner who just growled.

"Lets...Let's skip a bit further..." Said a certain speedster while trying to block out the awful rasps the small chained male made as he fought to regain breath.

And they did. Only about seven minutes into the hour long video. They probably shouldn't have done that.

The second Wally pressed play on the skipped video loud wails and screams of agony came from the video. The culprit being the unnatural boy from earlier as the Team watched as another figure, completely covered in white, was dissecting the child. The younger let out one shriek of complete agony as the figure ripped out a, now, broken rib before he passed out.

How is the Team?

Wally ran off towards e bathroom at his first glance towards the dissected male on the table.

Robin had his hands covering his face.

M'gann was bawling her eyes out.

Conner was covering his ears in his room, which he promptly left too as the first scream rang out.

Artemis was shaking on the floor.

Kaldure was the one who stopped the video, his barely composed figure shaking as he did so.

They all say in silence for a couple of beats before Robin semi-composed himself and grapped and past drive, downloading all the recordings and notes. He stood up and started at the flash drive before giving a sorrowful sigh and began to speak, "I'm... I'm going to give this to BatMan...." The words 'So he and the league can watch it' fell short as he took a sharp inhale and exhaled shakily. He then walked off to the Zetatubes, his name and his numbers ringing out thro the mountain.

[day before mission]


Everyone scrambled into the debriefing room in under five minutes, a new record. This mainly because they wanted news on the documents Robin uncovered, their target, and the boy in the documents.

"Team. " Batman greeted with a small nod, "The League and I have watched and read the information on the flash drives. It is decided that the Team will be going on covert missions to the bases discussed in the files we received starting tomorrow. You are to wear given civies and carry Fake I.D.s during this mission. The final details will be given out when you arrive. I suggest you all rest before you go. And steel your stomachs in the process."

With that the team dissipated into their rooms at the mountain, each trying to rest and thinking about the day to come.

[Current date]

The Team had just passed a sign that read 'Amity Park half one mile ahead' before Miss.Martian called out about arriving soon.

In under the minutes the Miss.Martian announced their arrival and started to land right by a welcome sign. The said sign read 'Welcome To Amity Park: The Safest Town Around!' which was an obvious lie considering that somewhere in town there had, or still is, a government base that tortured a kid, tho the fact that the sign looked kinda singed helped with giving that idea of danger.

The Team got out of the BioShip and awaited Robin's mentor to give them their final mission details.

After a bit of waiting Robin got a text them began to speak. "Bats said we're supposed to be transferring students from Gotham Academy. Tho we will be listening to rumors and ideas about secret nearby government facilities and any other strange activities. If we find anything we have to text BatMan the info. We can't engage in anything, stopping common illegal activity and approaching the facility the like."

The Team all nodded to show their understanding before Kaldure spoke, "We better start our mission then."

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