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[Waning: Short/Slight Torture scene]
Robin and the Team were heading out to a Amity Park, Massachusetts to investigate an abandoned facility. How did this come about them?


[Three days ago]

Wally and Robin had been sitting on the couch for about an hour or so researching GH-0-19-5 when M'gann announced that her cookies were finished. Wally being Wally ran out to the kitchen to eat leaving Rob alone to search for their new mission.

After ten to fifteen minutes Robin gave a, very startling, victory shout.

Wally immediately zoomed out of the kitchen, M'gann and Conner coming out a little later as everyone else-Kaldure and Artemis already being in the room-looked over to him.

"You ok Rob?!" Asked the nervous speedster as he jumped onto the seat next to Robin.

"Better then ever Walls! Look," Robin brought up his computer to show the rest of the team, "I hacked into some files on Project GH-0-19-5!"

Silently everyone gathered around Robin and Wally as he opened three files, each having a report of the year and it's progress and 730, two videos for each logged day of the year.

Wally was practically vibrating as Robin enlarged the text and began reading.

"Log number one: Progress Log." Started an excited Robin, "Project GH-0-19-5, nicknamed project Ghost, has officially started. Trial One started today. Experiment still holding strong to emotional bounds. Progress completion date undetermined."

Robin then finished the log and moved to open the video. Before he could do that he was interrupted by Conner.

"Doesn't this sound a little off? I mean it did state 'Experiment still holding strong to emotional bounds'. Doesn't that sound weird?" Conner then looked up at everyone, "It's not just me right?"

M'gann answered him after a second, "It does sound a little suspicious but we could be misunderstanding the situation." Conner grunted an answer and motioned for Robin to continue.

Robin, taking his opportunity quickly pressed play.

"So far Project GH-0-19-5 has been unbreakable." A robotic voice started as it's words appeared on screen as it talked, "Me and my staff believed it a good idea to record both Experiment GH-0-19-5 in trials and time in recovery. From now on there will be a sped up video of the time after a trial to the time we take Experiment GH-0-19-5 to the next trial." After that the video shut off.

"Well that helped alot." Said Wally as he clicked and started to play the next video. Robin taking a breed note of the words 'trial one' appearing in the small corner along with two times at e bottom.

The video started for some seconds in a easily lit and very dark, obviously white in the light, room before the steel doors swung open and two burly figures entered dragging something in a net.

The figures simply pulled something out a lanky and bendable floppy something before chaining it to a metal table with cuffs that emitted a slight green glow. The one burly figure dusted off their hands and took up refuge next to the table as the other walked over to the wall. In one motion the room out up in a, very blinding, light before walking towards the other side of the table. This letting the team see the thing the figures dragged in.

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