Chapter thirty-eight: Leigh (part two)

Start from the beginning

"Open," I tell him excitedly and smile. It's always nicer celebrating a close friend's birthday. I prefer this, rather than my own.

He opens his eyes.

"Wow," He smiles a genuine smile with teeth, "Thank you guys."

We all smile, and then me and Beth sit on either side of him.

"We wanted to get you a little something, even though it's bigger than we thought it was going to be," I laugh and so does Beth, while Dan smiles. "But we knew you were having cake later, so a cupcake seemed like a good idea," I finish, smiling.

"I love it," He smiles at me with his teeth, which naturally makes me smile more, too. I love making people smile. I love making Dan smile.

He smiles at Beth, who smiles at him, and they fist bump. A common thing with them. They laugh and smile like always when they do this, and I smile at my two best friends smiling together, as I always do.

"Make a wish!" I say excitedly when he looks back at the candle on his birthday cupcake. My excited tone makes him laugh. It's like I'm a child sometimes. But neither of my best friends seem to mind.

He smiles at both of us, closes his eyes for a few seconds, and then blows out the candle. We clap like he's a little kid and he laughs. Then he smiles cutely, and takes the candle out.

We got him a cupcake so he could have it all to himself; but he ends up taking the paper off, splitting it into three parts and motioning us closer to him. We move our chairs closer because he won't take no for an answer. Then we all enjoy his birthday cupcake, after a cheers to Dan.

"Thank you for being the best friends I've ever had," He says suddenly, "You have given me an amazing birthday."

He's never used that word. And I don't unless I know the other person will reciprocate, because I've been in some awkward friend situations in my life at some points. But pretty much right after I met Dan for the first time, I somehow knew he was going to be someone special in my life. And for awhile now, I've felt like he's my best friend. We're a little trio now, and it feels natural and comfortable all the time.

We smile at him and he puts an arm around each of us. I cuddle into him a little closer, "No problem."

After our special little moment, Beth cleans up, a natural reflex for her, and I bring him my present. I come into the kitchen from my room with the blank side to him, holding it close to my body, a little nervous to give it to him, but I have butterflies of excitement at the same time.

I slowly walk over to the table again, and he's smiling already, in anticipation I guess. Which makes me a little more nervous.

But then I just bite the bullet, turn it around, and place it carefully on the table in front of him.

"Whoa," He says right when he sees it.

His hands are clasped and I notice his arms for the first time really, his sleeves rolled up. They look strong. Welp.

"Do you like it?" I smile big. Please like it.

"It's awesome!" He looks at it in amazement.

I smile bigger, "Yay."

"You're incredible," He looks at me and says it so seriously into my eyes. I almost don't think he's talking necessarily about the painting.

I giggle and smile, trying to hide my blushing, but most likely failing.

"Thank you so much, Genevieve," He says, seriously again, but he has a smile on his face this time.

I smile, "You're very welcome," Butterflies in my stomach.

Then he gets up, I back up a little so he can, and he comes toward me. More butterflies enter my stomach, and I'm sure my face is uncontrollably red at this point.

I don't easily get butterflies and blush like this. Sometimes I get nervous about my work, and revealing it to people, even my family. But it's never exactly like this.

Dan smiles, and then he just hugs me. No words after that, just another 'thank you' from him, but this time with affection.

I smile bigger to myself as I comfortably fall into his arms and hug. His arms feel nice, and they feel nice around me.

I hear Beth coming and I'm sure he does too, so the hug is cut kind of short. Not sure why it made us feel weird, not wanting to hug with Beth around. I guess because it was a personal and special moment just between us, even though Beth is also our best friend. This is the first time me and Dan have really hugged, seriously like this, at least.

We separate and share a smile, Beth is in the room now, but not intruding. She's just smiling at us, before joining us again to look at the painting.

We were successful, we made him happy.

And Dan deserves to be happy.


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