Chapter twenty-two: Dan

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Searches for Genevieve completely stop come winter.

The police say they're constantly working on her case, but you can hear it in their voices that they've given up. They've run out of ideas and they're going to probably declare her legally dead any day now. The more the days go on, the more hope drains away. And it kills me to say that, but it's been months now and it's winter now...where could she possibly be?

Me and Beth don't talk about her as much anymore, it just makes us sad. The media hasn't covered her in a while, the rumors and theories at school have stopped, or from what we've heard. High schools move on fast though. The fliers are up still wherever they haven't flown off in the wind or taken down by random people for some reason or another.

It's like the whole universe has given up.

Me and Beth are buried in school work and we feel guilty that we can't see Mr. Lambert as often as we used to and want to.

But in the morning, I feel the emptiness of her not running into school. At lunch, I feel her not with us at lunch, and it's making us both feel a bit lonely, even though we're together. After school, I walk home, hands in pockets, music in ears, like I'm in a movie where I've just lost my best friend.

We'll never move on.

Even if everyone else, even the universe chooses to.


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