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May 23 2013

Oh diary, I'm at a loss here.  Two months ago, March 30th, and the firm's reorganization was announced. My new boss - someone I'd crossed swords with a bunch of times - finally has his taste of power: he effectively demoted me to a position twenty years too junior for me.  I couldn't deal with that humiliation - went to his office , told him to go jerk off with a handful of rusty tacks, walked over to HR and told them I was "vacation-ing out," with my 19 days of accrued time off making up my departure date.

So, yes, the whole corporate departure routine: a guard came to my cubicle as I packed up two boxes of personal stuff

.. no-one in the area could look at me as I did so

Actually, one was helpful. One of the youngest associates - a seemingly sweet young man -- all I really knew was his project group (encryption) and that he was active in the LGBT community at firm.  Barry - thank you for helping me out of the building that day.  And - though I'd feel awkward saying this to you cause I thought it was a little inappropriate at the time, thank you for that long parting hug and , um, a "nuzzling" (or a kiss?) to my ear as I got into the car.

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