Chapter Four: The Park

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Omnia woke up early this morning, he went to the park at the time on the note said. He waited under a tree and lay down, he heard crack and stood up looking around, he heard a voice. "So you actually came..." it said, "Who are you!" Omnia shouted, a boy appeared, he was wearing a black hood his hair and eyes were both black too "...Do you know...?" Said the boy "Know what!" Replied Omnia at this point there were many things he didn't notice around him, he was in a clear circle in the park with one tree his phone was buzzing with texts and Pully followed him to the park to see what was happening she saw him out her window walking to the park and followed him.

"Listen to me." Said the boy, "there is a whole new world you don't know about." He added on. "Don't gimme that crap! What the hell is going on! What was the whispering!?!?" Shouted Omnia there was silence and then a moment later, deep and horrific sounding laughter filled the air. Omnia the boy and Pully were in shock, "Y O U  W A N T  T O  K N O W  W H O  I  A M. L O O K  A T  M E   N O W." A loud screeching noise filled the air this time Pully could hear it we covered her ears, a body in a chrysalis appeared in the middle and in sight of them all and long slender pitch black arm broke out of it, then a leg then a creature beyond the human mind could comprehend appeared.

It screeched so hard leaves were falling off trees, it ran straight at Omnia spat a green liquid, the unknown boy flew and threw him out of the way and the green liquid burned the tree behind him, it screeched once more until it broke its arm and stuck it under the other creating two more arms on the opposite side, all arms together banged the floor and made the park shake. Pully shaken and terrified already screamed at the park rumbling exposing herself, the creature flung itself at her with its green liquid (acid saliva) in its mouth opened wide, the boy flew and threw Pully onto Omnia.

The creature was not so quick to make the same mistake though it had learned from previous events what to do and it grabbed the boy's leg and slammed him into the ground he groaned in pain, the creature slowly walked towards Pully and Omnia with its teeth clenched, as it was about to pounce, the boy used all its power to fly swiftly to Omnia and Pully and fell on them, there was a bright flash and there Omnia Pully and the boy lay down side by side in the sand Omnia awoke only to see the blinding light he looked around and saw a village next to him as his tension left him he became calm and the adrenaline in him left. He had passed out.

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