Part 20: It is his own decision

Start from the beginning

What Madame Suthilak had done for everything because she love her son. No mother in the world want to see her son become weird person in other people's eyes. Maybe what she did was wrong but when she truly regretted, she should be forgiven right?
But what about all the suffering he has? Who will repay for him? He had hurt almost he was unable to save himself back. If he let this matter go easily, that mean all his suffering is nothing.

Madame Suthilak was waiting the answer from Arthit as she watched Arthit's courteous manner, she looked miserable. How ever when she recalled how Arthit had crossed alone especially what he sacrificed for his daughter, Madame Suthilak's eyes filled with sadness and she felt regretted even more.

Arthit can feel shaking from Madame Suthilak's hand. She was sobbing and kept holding his hand.

" Son, my wife is really regretted from her mistakes and me too. I want to say sorry to you too if I am stronger enough I would not let that thing happen since the first. I hope you can accept our apology even you can't forgive us but however we want to let you know that we stopped obstructing your relationship anymore. We will always support your choice but the only thing that we ask for is letting us have a chance to meet our granddaughter. Could you?"

Arthit looked at the middle age man who was really kindly toward him in the past. Then he looked at doctor Beam who standing near Mr Suthilak. Doctor Beam just gave him a warmly smile and nodded his head to tell him this time he let Arthit decide by himself.

The atmosphere became all heavy of the sudden as everyone was waiting for the answer. After the long thought, Arthit reached his hand out and put on Madame Suthilak's hand, patting her back hand lightly and nodded his head while smiling.

" I forgive both of you."

" Thank you so much Son."

Tears with up Madame Suthilak's eyes even more as she took a bracelet off from her wrist.

" This is a bracelet that's been handed down for generations. It's for the daughter in law of Suthilak family. I give it to you as I accept you as my daughter in law. I hope you will accept it."

Madame Suthilak looked at Arthit nervously. Arthit studied the bracelet quietly. After a while, he accepted it carefully and replied gently.

" Thank you Madame."

" You can call me mom. I addressed you as my son/ daughter in law already."

" Yes mom but I cannot wear it as I'm a man and this bracelet is for women."

" It's okay son. You can keep it if you can't wear. I'm glad that you accept it."

In the end, Kongpob's mother was not that bad. She just concerned about her only son life and until now she had never done anything to hurt him directly.

Moreover she was Minnie's grandmother after all.

It took Madame Suthilak some time to stop her sobbing and she still held onto Arthit's hand.

" Can I huge you, Son?"

Arthit nodded his hand and smiled.

Madame Suthilak hugged the beautiful guy tightly, feeling distressed about his past experiences.

After being hurt by a person he had loved so much, just how difficult was it for him to open up to her son again?

How kindly and innocent was he?

How ashamed was she because of her selfish?

Both Mr Suthilak and doctor Beam was smiling to each other. Now it was only depended on Arthit and Kongpob, What would they do after all?

After all Doctor Beam had invited them to sit on the sofa as Arthit also sat with them.

Mr Suthilak left a sight of relief after both of them had said what they want. He looked at Arthit carefully and ask: " Doctor, How is Arthit's health? I heard he got beaten right? Has it been checked?"

" The check-up is done. There are no anything to worry about. He can leave hospital tomorrow." Said Doctor Beam.

"That's good.... that's good" Said Mr Suthilak.

" Oh right! Where is Minnie?" Madame Suthilak asked after she tried to look around the room but she didn't see her granddaughter.

" She went out with Kongpob. She would be back soon as Kongpob said that he will have lunch together. Do you want join us?" Arthit asked after he replied her question.

" Yes Yes, I want."

Madame Suthilak replied immediately without hesitation. She was delighted and smiled happily, starting to talk with Arthit about everything waiting for Kongpob and Minnie come back.


To be continued

I don't know if I made it easy for Kongpob's mother. It may disappoint you but I hope you can enjoy it.

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