chapter 1

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The thick fog swirled thought the cold cobblestone streets it's icy mist penetrated only by the bright headlights of the automobiles as they rumbled past.
the sound of rocks hitting stone was the only other sound in the otherwise silent street.

Above on the stone ledge of the temple, a male figure sat as unmoving as the stone creatures around him when the low rumble faded into the distance the figure tensed then leaped from the icy ledge.

His cloak flew out behind him as he fell. The mist reached out with its icy fingers then he was swallowed whole.
The figure landed and ran father into the fog.

He almost seemed to fly more than run as he made no sound when he moved through the silent pathways. The fog swirled as he ran passed, cutting through it like a knife
He stopped and in the faded light of the street lights, a squat building was illuminated.
The building was made of light brown brickwork the windows dark except a few from the rooms of those working late into the night.
A plain wood door was the only entrance to the building from the back.
he walked to the door he raised his hand and with out touching it the door opened with a small click he quietly crept inside.

the room was warm a stark contrast to the bitter cold outside. The lights were dimmed the shadows thick in the corners and on the only chair in the room. The walls were bare except a sign indicating to the room over and the dark wood stairs. the man took no notice of the sign and proceeded up the stairs without a sound and onto a dark hall

The man stopped as a young woman was walking out of a room farther down the hall she was busy closing the door when he stepped into the hall.

A voice came from the room she just left,
" Have a good night Julie, see you tomorrow"
The voice was that of a man's and far too proper to be a servant's
"You to sir," she said with a smile then she hurried down the hall toward the stairs
As she passed the cloaked figure simply step aside and she proceeded down the stairs without a backward glance

The figure resumed his walk down the dark hall and into the room the woman had just left and slipped in unnoticed

In the room, there was little light the only source a small candle, which sat on the only desk in the room soon to fizzle out.
Sitting at the desk sat a graying haired man nearing the end of his prime with a thick mustache and crackles that told you he smiled jut as much as his eyes shined.
he was finely dressed in a dark green smoking jacket and vest his White button-up finely pressed. The only decoration in the room in the room was a small collection of drawings made by that of a child

The Temple bell rang indicating the late hour the man at the desk looked up and saw the figure standing there looking at the pictures on his wall

"Who are you," he said in a surprised tone the figure turned and in the small light of the candle his features were finally reviled

His jaw was sharp, rough and unshaven most likely caused by days of travel his dark hair was short shaved on the sides but long enough to cast his features in shadows the scar across his left eye was rough and uneven the only blemish on his pale skin but it seemed easy to overlook in comparison to his eyes. his eyes were cold they seemed to hold nothing one would think that his milky white gaze was that of death itself

"You-you're the cold assassin." The man at the desk said fear making his voice tremble

"Oh is that what they call me now"

"Uh I believe so," he said uncertainly

"Hum" was the assassin's only response as he came to sit in the only other chair in the room and he silently studied the room farther the room was small and only furnished with the desk and two chairs neat stacks of paper filled the rest of the small space most likely neatly stacked from the assistance of the maid who had just left

"Are you here to kill me." The man said daring a quick glance at the pictures on the wall

"Do you want to die?" The man asked in an empty tone

"Well no but I don't think anyone would want to"

"But you have more than one reason than simply wanting to live no?" He expression didn't change but his tone changed to mild interest

"Well... The man hesitated then, no I other reason"

The assassin raised an eyebrow but said nothing in response

"My wife died a few years back and I live alone."

Silence filled the room

"You're brave to try and protect your daughter Jacob." The assassin said at last

"How did you-..." Jacob cut himself off " of course you would know wouldn't you

"That your daughter recently had a birthday and that you gave her the thing that she's been wanting for years but on your walk last week she gave it to a homeless girl and said it's what mother would have wanted. That on July 3, 1764, your wife died of a disease that had been plaguing her since birth and ever since then you've been hoping that one day she would come through that door and you would swing her on your arms and never let go or perhaps you were referring to the fact that I knew your name.

Jacob sat shocked feeling as though all the breath had been knocked out of him the air seemed thick and heavy in his lungs.

"How do you know that" his voice small barely that of Whisper

"Right, he said the air coming back to him, you're an assassin it's your job to know everything about your victims." He finished with a gulp realizing the full extent of what he said

"After your done with me are you going to go after my daughter?" He struggled to keep his voice even, as he spoke


Jacob tried to keep it hidden but he sagged visibly with relief

He tensed as though realizing his mistake and asked

"How are you going to kill me might I ask?"

Silence as the assassin pondered on this then stood.

"In the simplest way possible." And he turned toward the door

"How do you mean." The man at the desk asked confused at the man's intention

"You will die on your own terms and in your own time but not by my hands."


"Go home hanthor she's not coming back and your daughter has been waiting long enough, but if you want to live longer then a few months then I suggest you leave the city and hide cause..., he turned at the door, I might be the best but the others would love to kill you."
He turned back to the door went down the hall and was lost in the fog.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2020 ⏰

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