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Sunday went by in a kind of blur. Thoughts of Alexander popped into my head at the most random times and I wasn't stupid enough to fool myself onto thinking it didn't mean anything because it did. Damn it, it did mean something. This thing that was between us, or at least me, was turning into a serious crush and I just knew I was in deep shit. Who the hell develops a crush on somebody they just met? Insane people. That's who. Sociopaths that turned into stalkers. That's who.

By the time I arrived at school on Monday morning I had managed to oppress my thoughts enough to function somewhat normally. I heard Tasha and Jason approaching behind me before I could see them, their voices bickering about something. 

"Hey Rosalie," Tasha says. 

"Hey guys," I say, turning to them once I have my books from my locker. "You want to come groceries-shopping with me after school Tasha? I basically have no food left and I don't feel like living on diner-food the rest of the week. Plus I could really use the ride."

"I have to pick up Jake and Andrew first though. Is it okay if they come?"

Jake and Andrew Smith were Natashas younger brothers. They were twins and were 5 years old, though they were turning 6 this year and starting school. Tasha frequently described them as devil one and two, but I knew she loved them to death. I did too. They lived up to Tashas nicknames, but they could also be the sweetest kids sometimes. Like when the time they made macaroni necklaces in kindergarten and made me one as well as Tasha. "Sure, that's no problem," I said.

Jason pointed at something down the hall. "What's up with that?" he asked, looking at me.

I turned to see where he was pointing and saw Alexander standing by his locker. I frowned. Not because of him but because stacey stood very close to him, clutching his arm and giggling at something he had said. I felt a tinge of annoyance rush through me but ignored it.

"How should I know?" I ask, quickly turning away from the sight of them.

Jason held his arms up as if in defense. "Just thought you'd know since you've spent some time with him recently." I see Tasha rolling her eyes at her boyfriend.

"Well you thought wrong," I mutter. I rifle through my books, making sure I got what I needed. I can sense Tasha and Jason having a silent conversation because their heads are turned towards each other but it's silent. They are without a doubt conversing about me, which only irks me more.

"Hey Rose."

I jump a little, not having noticed that he approached us, as I turn to him. He is standing unnecessarily close to me, or maybe I'm just overanalyzing. Either way, his pinewood and orange scent envelopes me and it is absolutely divine. His piercing blue eyes are staring into mine, making me almost uncomfortable in a nervous kind of way. 

"Alexander. Hi," I say, putting on a small smile whilst trying to seem unfazed by our proximity even though my mind is going a thousand words per minute. He smirks, as if he knows he makes me nervous and tingly. "I'm going to steal Rose for a minute," he says, glancing over at Tasha and Jason. I look over at them, both sporting grins the size of Texas.

Alexander doesn't wait for their reply before leading me away. He grabs my bag and hangs it off his shoulder. I notice that he places a hand on my lower back as we walk away and it sends tingles all the way up my spine. 

I think he asked me something but I don't catch it, being far too distracted by the hand on my back. It's warm and firm. I look up as I notice him looking down at me. Damn, those eyes. I could easily stare at them all day. He smirks down at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Huh.. Sorry what?" I quickly look ahead again, hoping he doesn't notice the redness that is creeping up my neck.

Alexander lets out a small chuckle. "I asked what class do you have now?"

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