Dangerous Awakening

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Song- hotel celling by Rixton

Alex's POV

I don't know what happened.

I was occupied helping scarlet and didn't see the bolt coming towards us.

I was going to hit us, but suddenly I felt all my energy-draining and darkness to me. I woke up, not remember if the bolt hit us or not.

I opened my eyes and saw everyone on the ground.

Noami fainted.

Noah got up. "What happened?"

"I don't know..."

Ryan also got up. "My head..."

I saw max also same as hurt like us. Olivia still lies unconscious on the ground.

"What happened?" I asked in confusion.

"Its a time slip of energy ..." William spoke.


"It's similar to my powers but I can't practice it. It only actives happens when you reach stage supreme of your powers..." he said in shock.

"Then who?..."Max asked.

Yeah, my question too...

To knock down all of us and noami too.


"Where is Scarlet?!"

My eyes searched for her everywhere.

"There! "Max shouted.

I looked at his direction and saw her standing still in the middle of the ground.

We got up went to her.

"Scarlet?" Noah spoke.

She didn't answer.

We moved more close to her. She was still and spoke nothing. Her hands bleed from the bolt cutters.

I was going to touch her but stopped when someone shouted.

"Children! Move away!"

I looked at the person and it was dad.

"Father, what are you doing here?" I asked him.

He ordered the vice principal to take Olivia to the infirmary. She left.

"Stand behind me!" He said.

"Why? We have to help Scarlet."

"Now is not the time for questions just do as your told for once." He said in anger.

We did. And now we can see scarlet face to face. A black aura so surrounded her. We looked at each other, all of us could fill the chill.

"What happened to her?" Noah asked.

"Scarlet!" Max called out to her.

"Its no use. She can't hear us. This is the moment I feared." Dad looked worried.

"Dad please tell us what is happening?" I asked him.

He turned to us" please I will explain everything but for now I need all of your help. "

"Will this help scarlet come back to us?" William And max spoke.

"I can just pray for the best..."

Scarlet moved forward to where Noami was lying Unconscious.

The leaves withered on the place she stepped forward.

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