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Back to Y/n POV.

I'm back at the office now and it's still as dull as when I first arrived here.

"Take care of yourself Y/n. You need it" the old man and the lady said as they both hugged me and stepped back.

Slowly but surely I was disappearing...

"Bye Y/n! Mom and dad will miss you!" I heard them saying as the last thing in that dimension before I was slowly coming back to consciousness in my world.

What did they mean about mom and dad?

My mom died many years ago and my dad disappeared. I think he died too, but I'm not sure.

I have been the responsible one in the household since they left. I miss them...

I'm not saying anything like I hate my life, but as I have been in the other world for that long, I know how to treasure my life now.

I'm going to live my life as if it's the last. I'm not going to think about my education as the most important thing in my life. Living life is the most important thing here. Nothing more is important.

I don't want to be a housewife like I was in the other world. But I don't want to be where I am now.

I'm in trouble or more likely in a dilemma. I can't decide!

I'm in between changing my future or staying as I am now.

Help me!? I need help!?

Wait! Where am I now? Why can't I see anything?

*Opening one eye*

What? I see light?!

Why is it so bright?! I can't even keep my eye open, it hurts?!

The light is too bright, but why can't I open my other eye? I want to open it. OPEN!

I need my eye open!

*forcing the eye to open up* *pop*

Ahhh, my eye is back up and open. Or should I say that they both are now? Both of my eyes are opened now. They are not closed anymore.

I slowly began moving and sitting up, as I knew both of my eyes were opened now and that I could see. Otherwise, I would still likely to be laying down and not daring to do anything stupid.

"Oh, you are awake Y/n?" the nurse asked me, as I just sat up.

"yeah" I replied dryly before coughing.

"Here, drink some water" she gave me a cup of water, as she then called the doctor to do a check-up on me.

After a small check-up, I got to know, that I have been unconscious for around 24 hours

But for me... it feels like it's been for weeks. There happened a lot in these 24 hours then.

" I can see on the check-up, that there are no problems with you, so you will be discharged tomorrow. Just rest for now and then you are ready to go. Take care of yourself from now on"

Wait! After the doctor left and told me I was being discharged... I just realized that my brother was all alone! Oh s**t! What do I do?! How did he survive... omg omg omg...

I'm so going to be...

*knock* *knock*

✔️ Another You {Wang Yuan Story} [Completed]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang