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Zack kept  his phone off, since the excessive number of messages he received were making him go crazy. As break rolled around, Wanda had shown up again. Clinging to him. He tried to shove her off but people were staring. He took her to somewhere more private.

"What the FUCK do you want?"

Wanda smiled. Her crimson colored lips parting. "Oh puh-lease, Zacky. You aren't that thick, are you?" He growled and grabbed her by the shirt. Which made her smile even more.

"Ah, ah, ah. Remember what I said before? If you lay one finger on me, I can make sure you NEVER graduate." She laughed a bit. Zack lowered his head. Silent as he let go. He asked her again:

"...What do ya want?"

Wanda took him by the hand. Pulling him into the bathroom. But as she did so, Ray caught the sight of them disappearing again out of the corner of her eye. Rachel found it impossible to ignore. She got up from a table that wasn't too far from the one Wanda was sitting at. Scouting out by the bathrooms.

Get your disgusting hands off him…

Rachel felt her blood boil again.

Wanda pushed him into one of the stalls.

"You've been a bad boy, Zacky...You didn't answer any of my messages." She said

"That's because you need to fucking leave me alone!" Wanda laughed. "Just shut up. You know you can't win anyway. I own you now..." He growled as she sat on top of him. Zack wanted to resist but if he had, she'd ruin his life.

All he could do was sit.

Wanda left Zack in the boys bathroom happily walking back to her locker. She got what she wanted. Again.

He felt disgusted.

He got up, buttoning his pants again and left the bathroom.

Rachel knew she wanted to act fast. Thinking deeply about how to help, an idea quickly sprung up. There was no time to lose.

I have to help him...

Right now.

"Oh? Rachel? This is quite a surprise. You aren't usually sick."

Rachel stares at her with a sad look.

"I'm really not feeling well, Cathy-Sensei... May I lay down?"

"Absolutely, my dear! And maybe you can let me test out some of these booster shots?"

Rachel turns slightly more pale as Cathy gives a hearty laugh.

"Totally joking! Anyways, I have to go have my lunch now. I'll be back later. Don't touch any of my stuff, okay? Be a good girl, won't you?" She gives a playful wink before exiting.

Strange woman…

Rachel didn't stay in bed, however. Searching around for anything that would make the job easier.

She spotted a Bobby pin on a tray.

"...How careless."

She couldn't believe the level of trust Cathy was showing to random highschool children.

Rachel caught Wanda alone. Stepping behind her with a syringe. Luckily she was by the seldom used gymnasium at that time. Where no one could see it. The red haired girl was focusing on getting her stuff. Blissfully unaware of the fact she was being followed. Rachel stabbed the syringe into Wanda's neck. Administering heavy doses of sedative.

Though as she carried out the first step to her plan, There was a nagging of logic at the back of her mind. She wondered why Cathy, the school nurse, even had such a thing. But refocused. Knowing it would probably be best not to question it. She had to make sure Wanda would never hurt Zack again.

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