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After a few months of becoming a student, Rachel made her way to the library after class again. Only reading for the fun of it that time. Rachel had always gone to the library after class. It was her sanctum in both sides of Hell. Hell being school and home. She hadn't had many hobbies aside from reading and sewing.

Though she didn't feel a desire to join any clubs on the basis of girls her age relentlessly bullying her for being such a hard-working student. Accusing her of trying to seduce the teacher and getting good grades in return of sexual favors. Writing obscene things like "cum bucket or "filthy slut" on her desk.

She just wanted to escape. And the library was exactly that. None of the popular kids would bother her there.

Rachel sat in a corner. Reading a book about philosophy. Trying to put everything out of mind. Though suddenly soft cursing could be heard from to the other side of a shelf. Zack was trying to figure out math with his tutor who didn't got the patience to teach him. And left zack alone trying to figure out the formula of some math question.

He didn't get it and out of frustration, he roughly pushed the papers and the book off the desk and onto the ground.
Rachel sits up. Peeking around the bookshelf. Seeing the familiar gold eye. This time seeing his face in full view.

Bandages?... Wait a minute...

"Huh?" She blinked a couple times as she watched the tutor get up and walk away.

Now that it was just them, she decided to approach Zack. Glancing over his shoulder.

"Um... You just have to solve for x."

Zack looked up. "Oh. It's just you, Blondie. So, wait. Do ya know how to do this shit? I'm dumb so this stuff really is like rocket science to me." He huffed. Despite his humorous tone, she could tell he was being honest.

"I-- I may know some things, yes..."

She found it hard to meet his gaze. She couldn't believe it. Running into him at the library of all places. She sat down beside him. Clearly a bit shy to do so. Which Zack found kind of cute, admittedly. But he was also intent in learning. And having someone like her to explain it from a non-professional standpoint might make it a little less frustrating to deal with.

"M-...May I show you?" She was really shy. Not expecting him to be so...Willing to take the help. Especially from her.
The petite blonde reached her hand out for his pencil.

"Uh.. Yeah, sure. Knock yerself out."
He sounded calm. Giving her his pencil. He scooted over a smidge. Giving her room to sit in the chair next to him more comfortably. She tucked some of her long hair behind her ear to get it out of the way of his homework.
"First, you have to solve for x. You can see that the problem is 12=4(x)
(x) is just multiplication. So if you divide 12 from 4, you get 3. So the answer for x is 3."
She scribbled along the paper and tried her best to explain it in a way he'd understand.

Zack looked at the notes she makes. A little confused and scratches on his head. "I-I see.."

He didn't understand a single thing. Even a simple equation like that made his head pound.

"To put it simply, x=3 because 4 ×3 =12. Did you get all that, senpai?"

That made it a little better. He knew enough about numbers to sort of get the gist. He nodded slowly. Slowly trying to figure it out. Though his handwriting was really messy. "Yeah. I think I get it...Kinda." He jotted it down in more chicken scratch.

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