Bishops: Goody. 

11:41 AM

[End of Recording 1]

Richard Mills felt betrayed. Pax's lawyer hadn't even managed to keep track of all of the documents that he had been given. He rested his back against the wall and sighed. 

"Want me to take her lunch in?" Will asked, a kind expression on his face. 

"I can do that in a minute." Richard said. He very much felt like banging his head against the wall. That might do more for their cause. 

"That bad?" 

Richard sighed again. "Stupid lawyer didn't even submit all the documents." 

"Ah. I see." Will felt bad for the investigator. It was all too common for people like Patricia to get shirked by their lawyer. Especially in a small town like the one she had grown up in. 

"I should go back in now. Got that food?" Richard sighed and rolled his neck. It was time to go in. He checked his watch. 11:51. Perfect. 

Will handed him the tray, which looked almost identical to the tray from the day before, and opened the door. He really didn't envy Richard Mills. 


[Start Recording 2]

Mills: I brought your food. 

Bishops: Whoop-de-do. 

[Clattering of tray on table]

Mills: Is the food the same every day?

Bishops: So far. You would probably know better than I do. I've only been here for a few days. 

Mills: Right. I had forgotten. 

(pause, eating noises)

Mills: Who is next on your list?

Bishops: Alexa. I don't remember her last name. She worked with Veronica at the restaurant.

Mills: What restaurant was that?

Bishops: It's in the file.

Mills: I would like you to say it.

Bishops: (sigh) Fine. It's Preston's Grill. 

Mills: Thank you. Why would there be any animosity between Veronica or Gavin and Alexa?

Bishops: They had competing hours or something. I don't really know. I just heard Veronica complain about her when I was over with Gavin. 

Mills: So she only knew Veronica?

Bishops: As far as I know. She might have known Gavin. He did do things without me, you know. I'm not omniscient. 

Mills: And you're sure you don't remember her last name?

Bishops: Look, (pause) I'm not withholding any information from you. It wouldn't do me any good. It's not like I have any way of getting out of here unless my name is cleared. Life Sentence without chance for parole. 

Mills: I'm familiar with your sentencing. It just makes it easier if you know the whole name. 

Bishops: If I remember it, I'll let you know. Not like I have much else to do here, other than think. 

Mills: Thank you. 

(dishes clatter)

Mills: Want me to take those away?

Bishops: No thanks. It gives me something to look at other than you and these blank walls. 

Mills: (laughs) 

Bishops: I don't know anything else about Alexa. 

Mills: Was there anyone else at work that might have had a conflict with Veronica?

Bishops: Ha. There's a few other people that worked with her that didn't like her. She wasn't always the nicest person in the world. 

Mills: Do you know their names?

Bishops: Irene Sherman is the biggest annoyance after Alexa. I only remember her name because she was at least clever about bugging Veronica.

Mills: How so?

Bishops: Irene would put spiders in Veronica's locker at work. Or at least that's what Veronica said. She always mocked her name too. "Irene Sher-MAN put spiders in my locker again. I know it was her because she was the only one laughing about it." (high pitched voice). Personally, I think it was kind of funny.

Mills: Did Veronica retaliate?

Bishops: As far as I know, she only complained about Irene. But like I said, I never went to the restaurant. 

Mills: Any particular reason why?

Bishops: Why Veronica and I weren't friends?

Mills: Yes.

Bishops: Veronica and I weren't super close. We didn't hate each other, but we definitely weren't BFF's.

Mills: I think this might be enough for today. I'll probably be back in a few days to discuss what we've found about who we've already talked about. 

Bishops: Okay. It's not like I'm going anywhere. 

Mills: If you think of anything else, have one of the guards write a note to me. Any information could be the key to finding the truth.

Bishops: If you say so. 

[door opens]

Mills: We're done for today. Come on in.


1:09 AM

[End of Recording 2]

Richard Mills watched as Will led Patricia down the hallway towards the solitary cells. He didn't think he'd ever truly understand what it was like to live in solitary confinement, and he didn't think he wanted to. He would miss his wife and her home cooked meals. 

He checked his watch. If he left now, he could make it home in time for a late lunch. He took one last glance at Patricia and headed towards the exit. Lunch couldn't wait. 


Written: 7/8/19-7/19/19

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2019 ⏰

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