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People always say that you should just relax let all your problems go. Forget about the hate you have but how can you when your hate and problems are......yourself


"Sweety, come down from your room and eat", mother says as she puts a bowl of chopped fruit down.

This has been happening for the past week now. Mother making breakfast and me just sitting on my bed and doing nothing.

I know she worries and I worry too. She hasn't been sleeping recently. And I'm the reason. She comes to my room and makes sure a bath is ready for me daily.

"Honey, your father will be coming to take care of you for the afternoon", Mother says with a soft gentle voice.

I stoped picking at my peach hair and looked up at mother. "no", I mouthed looking back down at my arm.

She sighs and slowly walks into my room. She gently sits down at the edge of my bed and puts her hand on my knee.

"Alright, but let me clean you up. Please", Mother gave me a warm smile and stands up to help me up from my bed.


Mother was always gentle with people and she knew how to handle people at their worst. I believe that was what made Father fall in love. But that's a different story.

"Here, wear this so your body can breath", Mother says as she hands me long shorts and a baseball tee.

Mother lead me to my bed and gave me a kiss and left my room to make dinner. "Thank you", I whispered and put on my clothes on.

That's what will happen everyday. And every-time she wants father to look after me I would say no. I never thought about giving her a break but I didn't want to see Father at this state.


Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed chapter one.

Please note: the main character won't have a gender. This is so the reader can imagine whatever they want.

(Let your imagination run wild for the main character)

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