Chapter 4.

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On the table are various breakfast dishes, all looking freshly made and delicious

The boys are already sitting around the table chatting, so I join them in the only empty seat left

I shovel pancakes and a few random things onto my plate before digging in, the clinking of my cutlery on my plate being the only noise

I look up from my food in confusion as I swallow a bite

All eyes are on me and I tense under their gaze

I quickly recheck to see if any of the bruises are showing. When I see they're all covered I cautiously ask "What?"

"You were... um... moaning?" Jin says, seeming like he wants to laugh

I feel my cheeks burn slightly and hold in an immature giggle

I really want to say that it's nothing they haven't heard before but I hold my tongue and clear my throat

"Well... I love food..." I say, feeling pretty embarrassed

"Are you sure it wasn't just our effect? I mean... we're very handsome." Jimin jokes, a playfully flirty lilt to his voice

I glance each of them quickly before replying "If I wanted to moan at the thought of you I would've done it in the shower earlier." with a secret smile, remembering my earlier thoughts

Suga chokes on his mouthful of food and quickly downs some water and Jimin cracks a big smile at my comment, seeming happy that I can keep up with his flirting

We used to joke like this all the time, I'm glad some things are returning

I keep eating and the silence continues, only the sound of clinking and breathing

"So, what's on the schedule for today?" I ask as I finish my last pancake and push my plate away from me

V looks up from his plate and swallows his food before replying "We have a concert tonight so we'll do soundcheck and hair and makeup at 1pm."

"Are you sure you don't want to do our hair and makeup? I'm sure you'd do it well." He asks, seeming confused as to why I won't accept his offer

"I don't want to take someone's job, and I don't want to have be payed to be around you and you're already letting me crash with you for free! It was different when I was managing you, but now you have a manager and a team and you don't need me. I'm just happy to be here for you as a friend." I explain, feeling the scrutiny of many gazes on me

"Okay, but you still have to come! You can watch the concert from the sidelines!" Taehyung says excitedly, a giddy smile on his face

I make myself stay in my chair, resisting the urge to pinch his cheeks and coo at him

"I'd love nothing more." I respond with a brief smile as I push my chair out and collect my plate, along with a few other empty ones and go to the sink to wash them

"Here, let me." Jin says from behind me as he makes his way to the sink

"No that's alright, I've got it, why don't you go get your things together."

I see him nod out of the corner of my eye as I rinse the last few dishes, stacking them to dry off

"And don't forget to grab your earphones! You always forget and steal mine." I say, subconsciously slipping back into manager mode

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