chapter 16 - one week

Comenzar desde el principio

I nodded, telling him to continue. "Don't wait too long to tell Jack, it'll just make things even worse in the endgame."

I smiled at him, giving him a hug, "Thank you. I love you."
It was now his turn to smile, "shouldnt you be saying that to Jack? It's about time." I groaned and covered my face in frustration, "I may or may not have said it to him while I was drunk at my party."

His eyes widened, "Have you at least said it after that? Like, while you weren't drunk." I shook my head and he let out a laugh, "Well you better say it soon, dork."

I nodded as he got up from the bed, "Thanks again." He gave me a small smile, "Be ready in 20, the guys are definitely coming over."


The second the boys came over, I gave them all humongous bear hugs. I guess Will already told them because they all had this sad look in their eyes, except for Jack.

I finally got to Jack and I held him for a while. He tried to pull away but I kept him in place.
"What's up with you?" He laughed, "Youre extra sappy today."

I smiled, "I'm just taking advantage of the fact that I have you right now." I said, trying my best not to get teary eyed.

"You're sure that you're okay? Nothings bothering you?" He questioned one last time.
I nodded, "Everything's just fine." Lie

We all headed to the basement and got comfy on the couch. The boys all looked super sad so I turned to Jack, "If you want to be the best boyfriend ever, can you do me a favor?" I asked with a smile.

He nodded. "Can you go upstairs and get my favorite sweatshirt of yours, you know that green one?"
He smiled and pecked my lips, "Of course princess."

The second that Jack went up the stairs and closed the basement door, Trevor jumped on me.

"I don't want you to go Ava, I can't live without you in my life." He said, making my eyes water.
"I know." I said, running my hands through his hair in a comfortingly, friendly manner, "Trust me, it's all I've been thinking about."

Spencer gave me the puppy dog eyes, "Thanks for being our sister Ava. You've stood by us through the thick and thin." I smiled at him and all the boys in front of me. They all jumped on top of me and gave me the best group hug ever.

The second that they heard the basement door open, they all got up and went back to their old spots before Jack noticed.

"Here you go my love" Jack said, handing me the sweatshirt and I greatfully put it on, even though the temperature was comfortable.
Jack laid his head on my lap and I ran my fingers through his hair. This is definitely going to be missed.

4 hours later, everyone was passed out except for me and Jack. We both headed back up to my room because we didn't want to make a lot of noise and wake them up.

The second that Jack got on the edge of the bed, I connected our lips. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, and I stood in between his legs, almost the same height as him, but I was a little bit taller.

He kissed me back passionately and I knew that I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. He slowly pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine, "I don't know what has gotten into you, but I love it." He said with a smirk and I laughed.

Within a second, he flipped us over so he was now on top of me on the bed. He tried to lean in to kiss me, but I turned my cheek.

"Really, Ava?" He asked frustrated and I looked at him innocently, "What?"

He groaned, "you know exactly what you're doing" he said, trying to lean in again but I turned my head again. Since I wouldn't give in, he kissed my neck instead, and I definitely wasn't complaining about it.

He pulled away and looked at my neck, smirking. "I'm sorry, Annabella, but you made me do it." I raised my eyebrows in suspicion and got up to go see what he was talking about in the mirror.

A bright purple mark was sitting right on my bare neck and I gasped, "Are you serious right now, Hughes?" I questioned making him laugh.

He pulled me back on top of him, and he sat up while I straddled his lap. My face was inches apart from his face and these three words just slipped out of my mouth.

"I love you" Jacks eyes went wide as I continued, "I'm so in love with you that I don't even know what to do anymore." That was all it took for him to smash his lips onto mine with passion. The kiss was full of love and hunger, showing each other how we really felt all of this time.

I pulled back from Jack slightly, placing my hands on his chest. He let out a cheeky grin, "I love you more"

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