Chapter 3- Bruised knuckles

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It had been 2 weeks since the incident had happened with Jack, and everything went back to normal. Well, normal meaning Jack was super flirty and I hung out with the guys basically everyday.

I was currently getting ready for some bonfire party thingy that Wills team was having. I wasn't sure if Jack was going, but either way I wanted to look cute because hockey players were super hot.

I had the outfit above on and had my hair slightly curled with natural makeup. Once I was satisfied with my look, I headed downstairs to see Will waiting for me.

"Finally, I've been waiting for years" he said dramatically. I playfully shoved him and rolled my eyes, getting into my car. I figured I'd be the DD tonight because it's Wills teams party, so I figured he'd be the one drinking tonight. Plus, I rarely drink like ever.

After Will gave me a bunch of directions, we finally reached the beach. As soon as we got there I was greeted with hugs by all of the guys I already know, except I didn't see Jack.
They introduced me to their other teammates and a couple of them flirted with me but I didn't think any of them were attractive really.

I sat on one of the chairs on my phone next to the fire and sat there bored out of my mind. That was until a certain someone decided to show up.
"Hey cutie." He said coming over to me first and giving me a long hug. I inhaled his comforting scent and eventually let go.

"Let me go say hi to everyone really quick and then I'll come back." Jack said with a smile. I nodded and sat back down, answering snapchats on my phone.

I was laughing at pictures that Connor, Mitch, and Dylan were sending in our group chat on snap. I sent a pic of my face and captioned it ''most boring party ever.'

Then someone tapped my shoulder and I expected it to be Jack, but it was some other hot guy that I've never met before.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing sitting here alone?" He asked with a smile.
I smiled back, "Well I'm kind of waiting on someone...." I trailed off not knowing his name.

"Daniel Johnson" (I just made up this name lol. He's not a real hockey player.) he held out his hand and I shook it.
"Ava." I said not wanting to say my last name because it causes a lot of attention. For some reason, my eyes trailed to his sweatshirt and he was wearing a team Canada sweatshirt. Oh no.

That's literally USAs biggest competitors. What the hell are they doing here. If the team finds out they're going to be dead.

Daniel then moved closer to me and dropped his hand up and down my arm.
I pushed him back, "Get off of me you creep."
"Oh c'mon darling, I just want to have a little bit of fun." He grabbed my wrist really hard and I let out a yelp in pain.

"Let go you asshole!" I shouted but he just laughed, gripping me tighter.
"C'mon babe." He said coming closer again. I closed my eyes unsure of what he was gonna do, but a voice ran through us.

"She said get off of her." Jack said angrily, the vains on his arms popping out, and his knuckles turning white from clenching them.

"Ha. Jack Hughes. What are you gonna do about it?" Daniel said standing up. This had started a scene and the whole team was now behind Jack. Out of no where some people started showing up behind Daniel, I guess people from his team.

"He was gonna do something, but I'll do it for him." I said, punching Daniel across the face.

He launched over in pain, holding his now bloody cheek. I held my hand in pain, already seeing the bruise forming. It hurt like a bitch but it was worth it.

"That's it." Daniel said getting up and lunging for me, but Jack stepped in front of me and punched him repeatedly, Quinn and Josh pulling him off. Daniel got a couple punches on Jack too and I winced

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