The pool party was an immediate success. Tee's iPod was set up once again, though right in the corner, far away from the water. The main bath was huge – bigger than your average swimming pool and definitely big enough to accommodate the remaining Gryffindors and the dozen Hufflepuffs. The twins had gathered a supply of food from the kitchens and everyone had generously donated alcohol. Empty and half empty bottles littered the room.
"We may have to assign cleaners," said Hermione Granger to no one in particular.
Kayley, Marie and Sumayyah were crowding round Cedric and one of his friends with curly hair in the shallow end; Rose and George were sat on the side talking quietly between themselves; Tee was making out with Sam again in the deep end; and Fred was having fun with all the different taps, occasionally bombarding Harry and Ron with thick foam.
"Now this is a real party!" exclaimed Marie, who'd now managed to coax Rose over into their little Cedric-based group. George had gone to join Fred in foam-and-bubble mayhem.
"I'm not sure if I agree with the whole drinking-till-you-puke, making-out-with-everyone ideal though," said Rose.
"Who's drinking till they puke?" asked Cedric's curly-haired friend.
"No one yet, as far as I know. But it's only a matter of time with this much alcohol around," stated Rose.
"It'll probably be Sum first," laughed Marie.
"Hey, why me?" protested Sumayyah.
"Well remember that time we came to yours? You drank till you made yourself sick," Kayley pointed out. "And I had to clean it up!"
"Sorry, Kayls," apologised Sumayyah. "At least I'm not as bad as Marie though. She's drunk every day and going at it with any guy she sees."
Marie laughed at the over-exaggeration. "Well I'm not as bad as Tee!" she exclaimed, pointing out Tee and Sam.
Cedric and his friend laughed. "That's a shame. I think Tom quite liked her," said Cedric.
"Trust me; it isn't a permanent thing," reassured Rose, resisting the urge to laugh. "It wouldn't surprise me if she's snogged him as well by the end of the night."
"Is this a bit of a regular thing then?" asked George, who had reappeared at Rose's side.
"It's what you do at parties," said Marie casually. "Well, what we do anyway. It's just a bit of fun."
"And you don't go in for that much?" Cedric asked Rose directly.
Rose went very red and forgot what her answer would be. She came to her senses after a few moments and realised what an idiot she must look, so she shook her head furiously.
Before Cedric could say anymore, George interrupted. "Come on, Rose, come for a swim."
Rose let herself be led back down further to the deep end, trying not to look back at Cedric. She registered with a grin that Tee was now sat at the side of the bath, talking to Jensen. Sam had probably gone to cool off.
"You've turned my buddy into a man-whore," Jensen had said with a grin when he'd sat down beside Tee.
"Why; does he make out with everyone?" asked Tee.
"No, it's only when you're around," laughed Jensen. "You're a bad influence."
"Only when there's a party and/or alcohol around," grinned Tee, toasting him her nearly empty bottle. "He doesn't take it seriously, does he?"

All The Small Things (Harry Potter) *Fred/OC*
FanfictionIt's gotta be tough starting at Hogwarts just in time for OWLs, but when Tee and Rose befriend the school's best pranksters, it turns out to be better than expected. A year from the twins' perspective. You don't have to be the Chosen One to know how...