08. Birthday Girl

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The next morning, Rose was abruptly woken up by Tee diving on her. "Wow, anyone would think it's your birthday," she teased. Tee wasn't usually this hyperactive on a morning. Luckily, the other girls in their dormitory had already gotten up and left.

"Sorry," Tee apologised, though she was still beaming. "But I was hardly gonna sit and open my presents on my own like some sad bamp."

"Good point," agreed Rose. She rolled over, reached under her bed and pulled out a wrapped present. She threw it across to Tee. "Happy birthday!"

Rose lay on her front on her bed with her head resting on her arms, whilst she watched Tee open her presents. Pretty soon the dormitory was covered in wrapping paper.

"How do you manage to get the paper everywhere?" asked Rose in disbelief, though she couldn't help but laugh. "You're like a child!"

Tee grinned. "Well, at least I'm not like Kayls. She's the opposite; she has to inspect every single present. I can't be doing with that!"

Tee had calmed down slightly once she'd opened all her presents, so she'd stopped bouncing around long enough for her and Rose to get dressed. Afterwards, they went down to the common room. There was nobody around, so they carried on down to the Great Hall for some quick breakfast.

The Great Hall was very empty. The only people around seemed to be mostly first and second years. Obviously, the majority of the older students had already disappeared off to Hogsmeade. Tee was soon laden with birthday cards brought by several different owls during the morning post, but surprisingly, there was no sign of Oli. Whilst she was opening them, Rose had her own letter from Olwyn.

"Would you ever go out with someone who was like your best friend?" Rose asked Tee, whilst reading through her letter.

Tee looked up from her cards in surprise. "Why? Who do you like?"

"It's not for me," Rose replied quickly. "Come on Tee, you know what I'm like."

Tee grinned. It was true. Rose was often quite a strong man-hater. "Okay, good point. So who's asking?"

"Lauren," answered Rose. "The letter's from Jayne. She said that Lauren doesn't know whether she should go out with this guy or not because he's one of her best friends."

"Ooh, is this more boy talk?" The twins had suddenly arrived at the table. "Happy birthday, Tee!"

"Thanks," smiled Tee. "And yes, this is more boy talk. But it's about boys, not to boys. Nosy buggers."

"So would you go out with your best friend?" Rose asked Tee again.

"Well... yeah. I mean, I already have gone out with a best mate before."

"Yeah, but she's worried in case it won't work out," said Rose, glancing at the letter again.

Tee shrugged. "Well, if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. If they're good enough mates, then they should be able to get over it. We did." She was aware that Fred and George were still listening in. "Now you two had better start your own conversation or I'll hex your ears off."

"You're such a friendly person," Fred commented.

"So what about that guy, Nathan?" Rose pressed. "You refused to go out with him."

"Yeah, I eschewed him with a firm hand," Tee agreed. "But that wasn't because he was a mate; it was because he was actually a bit of a tosser."

Fred burst out laughing. "Yeah, you're really friendly."

All The Small Things (Harry Potter) *Fred/OC*Where stories live. Discover now