Chapter 10: The Reckoning

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Clarke was overcome with emotion. She had never seen Lexa so open before. It brought tears to her own eyes. "Lex I love you! No matter what happens together we can get through this. I know you're scared, but guess what so am I. It terrifies me, but we cannot afford to dwell on it. We just have to promise to fight for each other," stated Clarke her voice thick with emotion.

"I love you too Clarke. I promise to fight for you always," said Lexa sincerely. "I will always fight for you too," whispered Clarke. Both girls got swept up by the emotion realizing that the day after tomorrow this could be their last time together. Upon this realization clothes were quickly removed and both girls began to make love well into the night.

The Battle Begins

The sun was shining as both Clarke and Lexa collapsed in a sweaty tangle of limbs. Both girls had finished making love for the third time. Although Clarke could not be sure of the exact number as she had lost count long ago. She wanted to remain in their little love bubble, but Clarke knew they had to get up now. "Hey Lex time to get dressed now," whispered Clarke. "Don't wanna. Me sleeping," whined Lexa sleepily.

Clarke loved seeing Lexa look so innocent and in her opinion looking very adorable. Clarke chuckled to herself. Adorable was something that she never thought she would describe Lexa as. Clarke picked up Lexa's clothes throwing them at her causing the brunette to glare at her. Clarke chuckled again while she proceeded to get dressed.

After dressing the girls hurried to breakfast. After a quick breakfast Lexa set two scouts ahead to TonDc to establish the Ice Nation's status. Before leaving Clarke said goodbye to her mother giving her a hug. "Goodbye sweetheart, promise me you'll keep safe?" asked Abby. "I promise, Mom," replied Clarke. "Look after my daughter Lexa," stated Abby. "You have my words," replied Lexa.

Raven having said goodbye to Octavia and Bellamy turned to hug Clarke. "I'm going to miss you Clarke. Make sure you keep in contact via the walkie's okay? I'll be at the radio the whole time." "I'll miss you too Raven. Don't worry I'll keep in contact. You just look after my Mom and everyone else okay," asked Clarke. "I will. Lexa you take care of yourself okay. Go kick some ass. Make sure you and my girl here get back in one piece," stated Raven. "I will do my best Raven. You have my word." Both brunettes briefly hugged and with that Clarke and Lexa along with their Army set off to TonDc.

A few hours later and the Army had reached TonDc. Clarke then checked in with Raven to let her know of their arrival. While they were waiting for the Scouts to arrive everyone was busying themselves with various tasks, such as erecting tents or in Clarke's case she was going over the plan once again.

Lexa however remained sitting in her throne looking as stoic as ever. Just as Lexa was about to tell Clarke to sit down there were shouts of "Heda" heard outside. Upon hearing her people calling her name Lexa ran outside followed by Clarke. "Heda the scouts have returned," stated Indra firmly. Lexa nodded at Indra before turning to the scouts saying, "What have you got for me?" "The Ice Nation will arrive here shortly. There is many of them," replied one of the scouts. "Thank you, Malik," said Lexa.

"Everyone get into your places. The Ice Queen will be here soon and we must be ready," said Lexa addressing her Army. "You heard the Commander. Finish what you are doing and then get into place," stated Clarke with a raised voice. There was some kerfuffle as everyone began to get into place. Soon enough Clarke and Lexa were at the front ready to lead their people.

"You ready for this Clarke?" asked Bellamy. "I don't think I'll ever be ready for this Bell, but we have to do what we have to do right?" asked Clarke thoughtfully. "That we do," replied Bellamy. "I can't wait to kick some Ice Nation butt," added Octavia. There was a few moments of silence before shouts came from the warriors in the trees. "Heda the Ice Nation Army is approaching!"

Lexa could feel a wave of calm coming over her. Now was the time to show everyone why she was chosen as Heda. In trigedasleng Lexa shouted to her warriors "Sound the horn! To war!" In an instant the sound of horns filled the air. With that grounders and skykru began to charge forward with Lexa and Clarke leading. Soon enough the Ice Nation became visible causing both the trikru and the skykru to roar in unison. This was met with an equally fierce roar from the Ice Nation.

In a flash swords were met swords. The sound of bullets were heard along with screams as Ice Nation grounders fell to the ground dead. In a matter of minutes Lexa had dispatched 20 grounders from the Ice Clan her face already splattered with blood. Clarke herself had gotten rid of a fair number of the Ice Nation's Army. Bellamy and Octavia were also dispatching Ice Nation grounders at a great rate.

Just as Lexa had killed yet another Ice Nation rat her eyes meet ice blue eyes. Her eyes showed no sign of warmth unlike Clarke's. Lexa was finally face to face with her arch enemy Mila the Queen of the Ice Nation. "Lexa it's been too long," spoke Mila in a false friendly tone. "I am not here for small talk Mila," replied Lexa in a cold tone.

Without waiting for an answer Lexa charged and swung her sword. Instantly there was a clang of metal as her sword met with Mila's. A sort of synchronised dance began as both girls dogged blow after blow. Lexa and Mila both took momentary rest bite, which was when Lexa was hit by an arrow in her left shoulder. She winced slightly, but refused to any other signs of weakness.

Lexa then took a deep breath ready to finish Mila off once and for all. Suddenly out of nowhere Mila's leg came into contact with Lexa's and the two became a tangled mess on the ground. Lexa felt a sharp pain in her chest. When she brought her hand to her chest she felt a warm liquid begin to spread and she realized Mila had stopped her.

Clarke had witnessed all this and immediately raised her gun intending to kill Mila. However, just as she was about to pull the trigger she felt an intense pain in her head and without warning she blacked out and fell to the ground. Behind her was an ice nation grounder who had knocked Clarke out by using a nearby rock he had picked up. Bellamy quickly disposed of him.

Lexa tried to sit up to get to Clarke, but the pain was too much and she began to feel dizzy and nauseas due to the blood loss. She tried again, but felt a leg on her foot preventing her from getting up. Lexa looked up and once again her eyes met icy blue eyes. There kneeling above her was Mila with her sword in one hand and her other pressed against her side to staunch the blood.

Mila knelt down whispering into Lexa's ear, "Any last words?" "Yes, time to die," replied Lexa. With every last ounce of strength she picked up her sword and swung hacking off Mila's head shouting "For Costia!" "It is done," whispered Lexa before she passed out giving into the darkness engulfing her.

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