Welcome To Hogwarts, Nico di Angelo

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*May be posted twice due to technical difficulties*

Next Chapter! And I'm sorry but I have loads of stuff going on so updates are going to be as slow as anything. Now who will do the disclaimer this time?

Ron: My turn mate.
Me: Uh...sure
Ron: The Wizarding World belongs to J.K Rowling and the weird...confusing...mysterious world that Nico comes from belongs to Rick Riordan!
Me: If only you knew...
Ron: Knew what?
Me: Nothing! On with the story!

***Nico P.O.V***

Stumbling out of the shadows, I made sure to eat some ambrosia, which Will made me carry everywhere. Looking up after I put it away, I was met with 3 equally astonished wizards. When I recognised them I groaned internally.

"Oh for the love of Hades!" I exclaimed in exasperation. "I've don't it again, haven't I?"

I was back in England. This wasn't going to go well.

Harry mutely nodded and I reflected on my situation. Could I make it back to America without fading? I was yanked out of my thoughts by a sharp (and slightly aggressive) pull on my jacket. Awkwardly turning round I could see Hermione holding onto it for dear life, a stick - no, wand - pointed at my face. "What did I do? It's a free country, right?" I cried out, squirming under her grip.

"We want answers di Angelo!"

"What for?!"

"You know what!"

Harry and Ron looked in in astonishment before Harry came to his senses.

"Hermione! Give Nico a rest will you? What has he done to you?"

"Disappearing without a trace, and then there's the whole ordeal about how he turned up!"

Ron watched in silence before saying something that Hermione smacked him over the head for. They reminded me of Percy and Annabeth in a way. I took advantage of this and squirmed out of her grasp, before I could jump into the nearest shadow Hermione screamed.


The whole clearing out up with an almost blinding light. I squinted and silently cursed Hecate in my head. Why she had to make a pet world I didn't know. She grabbed me again and after protests from me and Harry she said, "We're taking him to Dumbledore. He'll know what to do. Happy?"

"No, not really," was my reply. "But I doubt you care." Ron snorted at this and Hermione in turn glared at him. I smirked as I was dragged along by a certain witch, light still blasted in my face. I may have kept a carefree front, but inside I was panicking. How was I going to get out of this one? I couldn't Iris Message anyone, not in front of these three and Hermione certainly wasn't going to let me near any shadows soon.

It seemed like days (although in reality it was only half an hour or so) until we arrived near a castle. That right, a castle. These wizards really go to town on their buildings. We stopped, and I heard Hermione whisper to Harry.

"How do we get him past Filch?! It's obvious he doesn't go here!"

"I have the Cloak. We can use that." Harry took a long silvery cloak out of his bag. I recognised it as Thanatos's cloak, which he gave to some brothers after he was stupid and didn't count on one of them being smart. Harry chucked it over me and Hermione as she led (read as pushed) me past an old man with a cat. They didn't notice us and she sighed in relief. I raised an eyebrow and she decided to speak.

"Filch." As if that answered any of my questions. I had little time to gaze at my surroundings as we walked through a hall that had a ceiling that mirrored the sky, past ghosts (so these were the ghosts Father was moaning about the other day) and moving paintings. Soon, we reached a phoenix (A/N: This may be wrong, I don't have my Harry Potter books on me and I don't want to use loads of Mobile Data so I can't check) staircase accompanied with two stone gargoyles.

"Password?" One of them croaked out. Hermione thought for a moment then looked at Harry and Ron, who were just running down towards us in the opposite direction. Out of breath, (which was rather disappointing - these wizards couldn't run 30 metres without huffing and puffing) Harry gestured wildly before letting us inside.

"Cockroach cluster!" These wizards and their weird names for everything...

The staircase began to move and Hermione pushed me on as the trio jumped alongside me. When we got to the top, Harry nervously knocked on a Griffin doorknocker.

"Come in." A voice called from the other side. The door opened and we shuffled in, a beam of light still blasted at my back. A desk was in the centre and behind it, an old man in bathrobes. What is it with these wizards and bathrobes? He had half-moon glasses perched on the end of his noise and his beard was longer than the Stolls' when the Hecate cabin got their revenge after a prank which included a lot of glitter, orange paint and confetti. "Hello Harry, Ron, Hermione. Who's our visitor?"

"Nico. From No. 13."

"Ah yes, I heard about you young man." He addressed me this time and I felt like I'd rather look anywhere else but at him. "I didn't get a last name. Perhaps you would like to fill me in?"

"Di Angelo." I spoke shortly. His eyebrows shot up after I spoke.

"I knew your mother."


"Yes, Maria di Angelo. Didn't she die in a lightning strike?"

A/N: Second chapter done and dusted - finally. I'm sorry, ok! I tried to get the next chapter out during the week but I was on holiday this week and I didn't have any WiFi. (It's camping)

Question Of The Chapter: Do you have any ideas for this?

Because I'm interested and I also really need them.

Language thing of the Chapter:

If you say 'rise up lights' it sounds like you are saying 'razor blades' in an Australian accent. Unless of course, you are Australian. Then it won't work. Tried and tested with a British accent.

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this, vote, comment and if you want to see more of my stuff, follow! Anything and everything is appreciated!


An Unexpected Return (Book Two In The Prince Of Darkness Trilogy)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora