Chapter 2

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Lillian's pov

I walked with Kurt, looking at everything around me. I'd never seen anything like it. Then again I'd never seen anything outside of my canyon in my life. "Everything looks so different to how it looks in my head" I stated.

"Really?" Kurt asked. "Yeah. In my head everything is like grey models that are constantly changing" I explained. "You vere quite scared by my mutation. Vhy was zhat?" I asked.

"Well you moved from one place to another with out walking in between so it scared me" I explained. "Oh. Sorry" he apologised. "It's fine" I replied.

I looked him over and spotted a tail. "You have a tail" I stated in excitement, tracing my fingers across it. "Yeah" he replied. I picked up on a sensation from him and backed up slightly.

"Is something vrong?" he asked. I looked him in the eye before gently placing my fingers on either side of his head. "Vhat are you doing?" he asked, confused.

I closed my eyes and let those Sensations run through my nerves. When I figured out what it was I opened my eyes. "Your in love" I stated.

"V-Vhat?" he asked, slightly startled. "They are very lucky. You seem like a nicer person" I stated, giving him a smile.

His cheeks turned a slight purple and he kept averting his eyes. I started looking around again, taking in as much as I could.

Kurt suddenly appeared next to me, a cloud of smoke around him as I jumped in surprise. "Sorry. I didn't mean zo scare you" he apologised.

"It's fine. I'll need to learn to get used to that" I stated, running a hand through my ruffled hair, coming in contact with one of the Feathers in it.

"If you vant, I could ask zhe Professor to give you a room" he offered. I shook my head. "I'm good. I'd rather just go back to my home" I explained.

"Zhe canyon?" he asked. I nodded. "Alright. Ve should zell zhe Professor first" he explained. "OK" I replied.

Kurt led me back to the professor as he looked up. "Is something wrong? He asked. Kurt explained that I wanted to go back to my home. He sighed." Alright but let Kurt take you" he explained.

He placed his hand up to his head for a bit before removing it. Kurt then walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

Before I knew it, a cloud of smoke surrounded us and we arrived in a completly new place. "Ahh" I screamed, stumbling back and falling onto my butt.

"Are you alright?" Kurt asked, offering one of his hands to help me up. "Yeah. That was just......... Nerve-racking for me" I explained.

"So Vhere is it you stay here?" he asked. I got really excited about that. "Follow me" I cheered, running over to one of the walls. "And no poofing" I added.

I tapped my toe on the ground, figuring out which rocks were loose. I then started to climb. I looked down and saw Kurt just standing there. "Come on" I encouraged.

"I can't" he replied, showing me that he couldn't get a proper grip on the rocks. "Alright. You can poof" I told him.

He proofed up to the top of the cliff which at least this time I was prepared for although it still shocked me.

I finished climbing up the rocks and dusted myself off. "Come on" I encouraged, leading the way along the cliff edge. He followed me as I led him to my little cave.

"Here it is" I stated, going behind the rocks and plants that hid the cave entrance. Kurt followed. "Here's my home. Isn't it nice" I cheered.

Inside I had a little bed with bedding, a large basin which I used for water and a few other things. I flopped down on my bed, smiling.

"Do you mind if I stay for zhe night?" Kurt asked. "You want to stay?" I asked. He nodded. "Of course you can stay" I cheered. He gave me a smile back as I jumped up onto my feet, walked over and gave him a hug.

The Sensations Of Love(A Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler X Oc Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now