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I woke up at the sound of someone yelling. I quickly shot up and crashed on the floor of the caravan. It was early morning, dawn was starting to break and sunshine was illuminating my face through the glass windows of the car. We weren't moving and no one of the family which owned the van was around. When I looked through the window I saw we were at a gas point and I assumed the wife and husband driving were outside taking a break.

I stood up dizzily only to see Bucky still lying on the couch with his face scrunched and eyebrows knitted together. One arm was stretched across his stomach, the metal one hung over his head and off the edge of the couch slightly. He was mumbling something in his sleep which appeared to be a very unpleasant one. His head was turning left and right. I wasn't sure if I should wake him, but I also didn't want to leave him in this condition. Then all of a sudden he sat up and yelled from the top of his lungs; "I'm not gonna kill her!" He then fell back down on his back and continued with his restless dream. He seemed as helpless as a bug that fell on its back and couldn't turn to its feet once more. I couldn't watch him like this. Enough was enough.

I kneeled by the couch and started shaking his shoulders. "Bucky! Bucky, wake up, you're dreaming!" He didn't seem to understand I was trying to help him by waking him, because when his eyes opened wide, his arm stretched towards me and grabbed my throat, lifting me inches off the ground. His teeth was gritted together and he kept his gaze on me steadily.

"Bucky, for fuck's sake', it's me!" I spat whilst trying to get out of his firm grip. I started squirming and kick around with my legs but nothing seemed to help me.

"Bucky..." I gasped, "You know... who I am.."

The world was dizzily spinning around and my eyes were closing, as I didn't have enough energy to keep them open anymore. I knew very well I wouldn't have long before Bucky's fingers could and would suffocate me. I coughed one last time and closed my eyes to prepare for the fate coming to me.

Just then I felt my throat be free and I collapsed on the floor. But it was too late. I was already falling into uncosciousness.


I opened my eyes slowly. I felt blood run through my neck to deliver it to my throbbing head which I could barely even move. I turned my head to the side so I could see the outside. We were moving once more and the sun was high up by now. How long was I out?

"You were unconscious for nearly three hours..." I heard Bucky's mumble behind me and swiftly turned to see him. He was kneeling by the couch where I was lying. His gaze was oriented downwards as if he'd be too embarassed or afraid to face me. He was holding a glass of water in his hands nervously and handed it to me when I turned to him. I took it and took a big sip. Cold water was refreshing for my pulsating body.

I sat up on the sofa and motioned for Bucky to sit down as well. He at first didn't want to, but complied with my wish. He still wouldn't look at me. I didn't blame him for what happened, I knew how traumatizing our dreams could get. Hell, I hurt him while dreaming before as well. I thought telling him that would help the situation, so I did.

He chuckled to my words, but I saw he wasn't happy. "You barely even punched me. I almost killed you."

The silence was deafening. I didn't want this to happen and I knew when I woke him that he will come at me with aggression, but I couldn't simply stand there and listen to his screams. He didn't understand that I didn't care about his reaction. Even if I would die, I wouldn't care if it would be by Bucky's hand. At least my last glance at the world would be his eyes.

"Listen, the kids saw me strangle you and they're freaked out," he mumbled slowly, "Their mom asked me to leave as soon as you wake up, so we have to plan our next move."

Checkmate (BuckyBarnes x OC)Where stories live. Discover now