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I landed on the floor of the cold pavement in the training arena. My whole body was aching and I could barely move any of my muscles, but I still managed to frown at the ruffian of a guard. He backed up and walked through the door, locking them twice after he'd left. I then slowly sat up on my knees and inspected my sorroundings. I was in the training area again. The rotten smell of mouldy walls entered my nostrils and I knitted my face together in disgust. I wqs only here once before, knowing this wasn't Hydra's base. There was a familiar man sitting in a metal chair in the far corner of the room. The arena was not a big place, but the emptiness of it made it feel like a dining hall. There was nothing in it besides a few punching bags and the before-mentioned chair. The ceiling wasn't too high either. It made me feel really claustrophobic.

"You survived the doctor's procedure," the man which was more and more familiar to me spoke in an intriguing tone. Almost as if he'd actually be interested in what I was just put through.

I was finally able to stand up on my wobbling feet and as soon as I stood the man approached me. His face was covered by strands of loose brown hair, his grey eyes were almost black in the bad lightning. His posture was firm and determined. I was merely a teenager, I was really afraid of the man, but I knew I'd seen him before. When I saw his metal limb shining in the light I remembered. This was the soldier who escorted me to Germany for the experiments. Why were we here now, though?

I nodded obediently taught to always obey without a word. I knew he was a trained soldier as well, but he was still superior to me due to his experience.

He nodded his head back in approval and murmured; "Let's test it." I was flying through the air moments after. I didn't even have a chance to stand up properly when he was already gripping on my arm and twisting it around, trying to break it. I screamed for mercy, but he continued. Weirdly enough my arm bone didn't break. It just hurt like hell. His brows furrowed in confusion as well as mine, but he then proceeded to his next testing which was seeing if my bones are still able to dislocate. He crouched down and pulled my leg under my body so I hit the floor with the back of my head. The pain in my skull felt like someone would strike a hammer to the back of it. The soldier then grabbed my shin and my thigh and started to twist it in different directions, one forward one back. My screams of agony were enough to know I  wasn't completely immune to all injuries of my bones. He let me go and left me with a bruised skin around my knee.

He shouted something in russian and a few guards came running in, carrying me out of arena. I was still crying silently but I knew I'd have to calm down soon. I wasn't supposed to feel any pain. I was taken to a lab once more, where a short doctor with a monacle and a bald head was writing something in a notebook. They injected insulin in my vains and I fell asleep immediately.

I was waken up by a loud crash of exploding bombs and the smell of gunpowder. Someone was carrying me in his or hers arms. I quickly comprehended the person was a man. The pair of strong muscles was enough to keep me high in the air without any danger of falling. His face was covered with a mask and goggles but judging by his hair I was already able to read who he was. The Winter Soldier. I checked the arm holding my shoulders to check and sure enough, it was made of metal.

"What's all this? Where are we going?" I asked eagerly but bit my tongue right after knowing I may have crossed my speaking boundaries.

"Strucker's lab fell under attack while you were treated in the lab, we're going back to base," he explained in a hurry.

"What was I doing in the lab?" For some reason I simply couldn't remember what I've been doing moments before. Or better yet what has been done to me. I figured he of all people wouldn't hurt me for asking too many questions. A part of his mission was probably to get me in and out of the building safely.

Checkmate (BuckyBarnes x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt