chapter ten

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I wake up in an unfamiliar bed, tangled up in the softest sheets I've ever slept in. I immediately shot up from the pillow I was just sound asleep on, and I notice I'm not in the clothes I was in last night. I'm in an over sized black Obey hoodie and some black gym shorts.

"What the hell?" I mumble to myself as I climb out of the bed.

I begin wandering around the room and analyzing every small detail. There were small little house plants scattered throughout the room. There were a couple of decorative, yet simple Chinese art pieces in the room as well. The room was spacious, but it felt simple.
As I start to walk towards the bedroom door, I spot something out of the corner of my eye.

"A piano?"

I was curious as to whose it was. I made my way over to it and sat down on the small chair in front of it. I lightly place the tips of my fingers on the sleek white and black keys. My mom used to play piano with me when I was little. It's one of my favorite memories of when I actually had a family.

I started playing softly. This unusual wave of comfort took over me. I felt like I was in another world. I was in my own world. I finally felt like I was home.

"Clair de Lune..."

A soft voice comes from behind me. I quickly turn my head around and I'm met with an all too familiar pair of hazel eyes.


"That's actually one of my favorites by Debussy. My dad taught me how to play it." He smiles. He walks over to me and holds his hand out for me to grab.

"Did I sleep in here?" I ask.

"Yeah, I slept in the guest room. I helped you change out of your dress last night, because you were half asleep." He laughs softly.

The room quickly went silent, but only for a moment.

"Come on. I've made banana pancakes and I don't think I can eat them all by myself." He smiles again.

"Grayson-" I'm cut off by him throwing me over his shoulders and carrying me downstairs.

I trying willing myself out of his muscular arms, but it was hopeless.

"GRAYSON BAILEY DOLAN! PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN NOW!" I scream while punching his back.

"Damn, you didn't have to call me out like that girl." He chuckles. Grayson sits me down at the table in his dining room.

"I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere." He takes off upstairs and I'm left alone at a table full of food.

"More for me." And I began digging in to my delicious banana pancakes.

A few hours later...

"You ready to go home Si?" Grayson asks.

"Yeah, I need to check up on Ethan. I need to make sure he's okay." My eyes began to water.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." Grayson walks over to me and pulls me into a warm hug. "Give him some time. Let him blow off some steam."

But I didn't want to leave him alone. I wanted to be in his arms. I wanted to scream and tell him how sorry I was. He needed to know I still loved him and that I wanted us to be together.

"Okay. But answer a question for me." I crossed my arms, eyeing Grayson from the couch in his living room.

He raises an eyebrow. "Shoot."

"Did we... you know-" I stutter.

Grayson's eyes grew wide.

"Oh my god, no Si." He said.

"I just thought, since I had your clothes on this morning." I said, while playing with my fingers.

"You were upset. I would never take advantage of you like that. I want you to take your time and figure out what it is that you want." He smiles as he sits down next to me. "I'll be here for you whenever you need me." He rubs his hand up and down my back gently.

"Thanks Gray." I kiss his cheek.

"You missed babygirl." He winks at me.

Grayson pulls me in and kisses me with such passion. My entire body felt like it was on fire. His fingers grazed over my olive colored skin. Our tongues were moving in unison and I honestly couldn't find it in me to stop. We sat there making out, until he pulled away. I couldn't help but blush. He caressed my cheek and kissed the side of my head.

"We'll continue this another time Si." He smiles softly. "Let's get you home."

I gather my things and follow Grayson outside to his Porsche.


Ethan's POV


I threw an empty beer bottle across my apartment and it shattered against the living room wall. I watched as the amber colored glass flew everywhere. I slumped down onto the kitchen floor and began crying, for like the millionth fucking time.

"How could they do this to me?" I sobbed to myself.

Was I not good enough?
Did I not make her happy?
Did I not love her enough?
Did she even love me?

I got up off the floor and grabbed my phone off of the kitchen counter. I unlocked my phone and my heart shatters again.


It was a picture of me and Siena when we went on vacation several months ago

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It was a picture of me and Siena when we went on vacation several months ago. I took her on a week long cruise to Europe. We were so fucking happy. Where did I go so wrong?

It hadn't even been twenty four hours since I last saw her, and I already miss her so fucking much. But I can't go back. I need to let her go so she can decide what she wants.

I can't believe I was so stupid to actually think she could ever love me. How could anyone ever love someone like me?

"She doesn't deserve to be with a fuck up like me." I fucked up and let Grayson get to close to her. How did I not see this shit happening.

"Fuck this." I threw my phone across the living room and reached into the fridge and grabbed my half empty bottle of whiskey.

"Here's to you Siena." I chugged the entire bottle and sunk back to the floor.

"I just want her to be happy." I whispered.

"Even if it's not with me."

• • •

Uh oh... Things seem to be heating up pretty quick with Grayson?

And poor Ethan... 🥺

Will Siena and Ethan be able to patch things up, or is it too late?

Keep reading to find out what happens next. 😉

Peace ✌🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2019 ⏰

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