Before Inferno Lighting Started

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Dawn sat in her room surrounded by her GONE merchandise and all the books except for HERO. One was on a shelf, one was opened up over a lamp, most were balanced on top of the ceiling fan. As Dawn read she got to the last page and what could be heard next well imagine someone screaming their heart out with a mix of loud sobbing.

"NO! CAINE WHY! WHY DID YOU DO THAT! IT SHOULD'VE NOT BEEN YOU! HOW DARE YOU LEAVE DIANA!" Dawn screamed as she kept reading as soon she started crying.


"WHY DID ORC HAVE TO DIE! HE WAS TURING GOOD!" Dawn threw the book across the room cracking the mirror on top of her dresser " HOW DARE YOU GAIA! I WISH I COULD KILL YOU, YOU BITCH! HOW DARE YOU TAKE CAINE AWAY FROM ME!"

Dawn's eyes were now glowing with rage as she grabbed all of her GONE stuff from the closet, put it in a sack and marched to her door when she opened it, she saw her brothers fall over one another.

"Really!? Not cool!" Dawn shouted.

"Are you ok?" Noah asked

"We all heard you scream?" Wyatt asked with concern.

"Are you hurt?" Vincent asked

"Read that if you wanna know!" Dawn pointed to the book underneath the cracked mirror before storming down the stairs.

"Hey little sis what's in the sack?" Her brother, Fin asked standing in the hallway while eating nutella outta the jar.

"My GONE stuff I'm gonna burn it I'm so done with this series!" Dawn exclaimed wiping her eyes.

"Wait. Why? We all thought you loved those books you even started a club at school. What happened?" Fin questioned. Dawn threw down the sack in anger.

"He killed off Caine! Breeze! Jack! And some many others! Even Orc!" Dawn threw her hands up in the air.

"Ok calm down can't you complain to the author or something?" He asked.

"No because I'm banned from sending him letters after I send him like fifty ideas for the GONE TV show that coming out next month." Dawn explained. " I wish I can talk to them, the characters then I can warn or maybe change the ending."

"Well maybe you can. You got the powers to make things into reality right? Why don't you do that." Fin suggested.

"That's a great idea! Thanks Fin!" Dawn exclaimed smiling as she picked up the sack and ran back upstairs. " By the way in the books, people kill each other over nutella."

"Dammit Dawn first you ruin red vines and skittles for me and now nutella!" Fin shouted putting the jar in the thrash.

Dawn put her Gone stuff back where it was then took out a poster and wrote out the wrote 'INFERNO LIGHTING' in big letters then wrote a list of who she wanted to meet, who she wanted to save and who she wanted to kill. Dawn looked at her list of people, " Ok Brianna seems to be easier." Dawn said as her eyes turned black and gray veins crawled up her faces and down her arms as a bright light flashed in the room and in front of Dawn stood Brianna A.K.A The Breeze.

"What the? Where am I? I was just about to....kill Gaia but then she.." Brianna stated before looking at Dawn and used her super speed to pin Dawn to the wall by her neck. " Who are you? Who do you work for?"

"Relax Brianna my name is Dawn and I don't for anybody. I brought you here to save you from dying." Dawn explained.

"Where am I?" Brianna demanded.

" You're in my world, you're safe from Gaia." Dawn answered

"Where are my friends?" Brianna asked releasing Dawn

"Well they're in there." she pointed to the GONE book. " Sorry to tell you this Breeze but you and everyone you know is a book character."

Brianna was first shocked but then looked at Dawn with a calm expression

"Who wrote the books?"

"Huh?" Dawn looked confused.

"Who wrote the books that I'm in whose the author and where does he live?" Brianna questioned.

"Um Micheal Grant and in California why?" Dawn looked at the speedster.

"Because he was about to kill me and no one messes with the Breeze." Brianna said before speeding out the room before Dawn could reply back.

"Well she's gone hehe 'gone' man I love puns." Dawn chuckled before looking at her poster and starting writing out her plan.

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