Chapter VI

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"Alright so Caine will break the gas pipes in the lighthouse then San will use his powers to blow up the place." Astrid said going over the plan.

"Yeah we know the plan for the third time let's just get on with it." Caine said impatiently as he walked outside.

"Alright so lets get started." Caine said walking inside the lighthouse and lifted his arms and concentrated as he used his telekinesis to break the pipes causing gas to fill the room. He then ran out of the room as Sam blasted beams of light into the room causing the building to explode. The brothers waited looking at the barrier only to be disappointed that nothing happened, as they made their way back to the school Dawn ran out in a panic.

"Caine! Sam! They're gone! They just disappeared!" Dawn shouted in worry.

"What are you talking about?" Sam asked the worried girl.

"Diana, Jack, Astrid, Dekka and Little Pete are gone one minute they were here next they weren't! Not to mention my backpack with all the books are gone too!" Dawn shouted in worry.

"Ok calm down and you and Sam go back to the school and see if maybe they went to a different room while I stay here and try to break the barrier." Caine suggested as Dawn and Sam walked back into the school building.

"They're probably in the cafeteria looking for food." Sam suggested as he walked down a couple stairs and walked into the cafeteria with Dawn following.

"Astrid? Dekka? Are you here?" Sam shouted as his voice echoed through the room.

"Where else would they go?" Dawn asked looking around while thinking.

"Maybe the gym I did see a vending machine there." Sam suggested.

"Ok lets go check." Dawn said as the pair walked out of the dark cafeteria with a pair of glowing eyes watching them.

Once Sam and Dawn got into the gym and walked around looking for the machine, Dawn looked up at the lights then flipped the switch turning them off.

"What happened to the lights?" Sam asked looking around turning his hand on shining some light in the room.

"Must have been the explosion that killed the power." Dawn answered clearly lying as she quickly pulled out her switchblade and stabbed Sam in the shoulder causing the boy to turn his hand off and grab his shoulder in pain.

"Dawn what the hell?! Did you just stab me?!" Sam shouted in the dark unable to see with the lights off, Dawn kicked him in the stomach causing Sam to tumble on his side.

"You'll see Astrid soon you should hope she's not dead by the time we're done with her." Dawn said as she pulled out the knife and got ready to stab Sam again but then,

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