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Kami POV
I woke up to my alarm going off. 9:30. Did she say I didn't have to go to work today? I don't remember.. I'll message her. I tried to move to get my phone but I felt something weighing me down. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the thing holding me down. It's an arm.. but whose? I looked behind me to see if there's a person attached to it or if it's a moment like Godfather. Thankfully there's a body but I can't see their head. I try to move so I can see their face. And soon as I did I immediately blushed. It was the purple-haired cutie. Wait did we? No, I'd be feeling pain down there...
"hello kitten.." He said very quietly. He probably still half asleep.
"Hel-lo... Ya sleep well?" I felt him nod. He then pulled me closer to him. I squeaked because of his action.
"What time is it?" He asked it was kinda muffled though.
"I need to get my phone..." He whined and reluctantly let go. I sat up and grabbed my phone and immediately saw I missed 15 calls from Kiri and 25 messages. And to top it off 5 voicemails.
"Shit... I'm gonna be in so much trouble.."
"Why?" He asked sitting up behind me. I showed him my phone.
"You're dead."
"Will you be at my funeral?" I asked half-joking.
"I'll be in jail for attempted murder." He said nuzzling my neck.
"Thank you for trying to defend my honour," I said.
"No problem." He said. I began texting my boss.

Do I have work today?

No. Also not on Thursday and Saturday.

Ok I couldn't remember

Yes, I have the day off.
"Hey, do you wanna do something today. I don't have to work.." I said setting my phone down.
"Whatever you wanna do, kitten."
"Why do you keep calling me kitten?"
"Because your cute, small, and adorable like a kitten."
"Otay... I'd like to go to the mall but I don't have any money so I can't buy anything..."
"I'll buy you anything your little heart desires." He said.
"Really?!" He nodded against my neck.
"On one condition you have to be my baby. Which means you are mine and mine alone." He said before putting his head on my shoulder. I nodded.
"I'm gonna get dressed," I said getting up.
"Make sure you look adorable." He said getting out of the bed. I just realized he isn't wearing pants. I could feel my face turn red. He chuckled.
"Take a picture it'll last longer."
"Shut up!" He then picked up his pants and put them back on.
"I'm gonna go see it the idiots did what I told them to." He said before walking out of my room. I decided to call Kiri before getting dressed.
"Hey, Kiri.."
"Why didn't you respond to my calls or texts?"
"I was asleep."
"Sorry, but I was worried... Our neighbours said they didn't recognize a car that pulled up to our house."
"That's my friend's car. I invited them over."
"But they said it didn't move and was still there when they got up this morning."
"One of them fell asleep and we didn't want to wake him."
"Ok. Wait, him? Kaminari you had a boy over?! Without us knowing and being alone?!
"I'm sorry!"

"Sorry won't cut it! Who knows-"
"Kitten, you ready to go?"
"Who is that? It that the boy? Why is he calling you Kitten?"
"Uhh... Bye Kiri! Talk to you later!"
"Don't you dare-" I hung up on him.
"Bad time?..."
"Ya think?"
"Sorry, Kitten.."
"It's fine. Kiri can be such a mom sometimes.."
"You're not dressed yet.."
"Yeah... I didn't want to be in more trouble.."
"Looks like I'm the one who's gonna die... Welp, I'll leave so you can get dressed." He said before walking away. Soon as he left my mind started racing. What if Kiri decides to come back? No that won't happen.. Cause if he leaves Bakubro leaves and they need Bakugou... Ok, let's get dressed... Don't wanna keep Daddy waiting! Wait what did I just call him...... Ahhhhh!
"You alright?" I hear from outside the door.
"Y-yeah.." I quickly picked out my clothes. A yellow cropped hoodie, black short-shorts, and rainbow platform shoes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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