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Kami POV
'Oh my goodness! I have a job! So happy! Imma go look at the cats. Hopefully they're de-clawed.'
20 mins later
"Y'all are just too cute! I'm sorry I have to leave but I'll come back!" I said to the cats. I'm not weird. I stood up and tried to get all the hair off me. Surprisingly I got most of it off. I went to go wash my hands so no food got kitty germs on it. I went and got a notepad to write on.
"Okay! Everyone get over here!" Ms. Jones said. Everyone walked over to where she was standing. I was getting disgusted and confused looks. "As you may have noticed we have a new employee! Kaminari Denki." She motioned towards me. "Don't judge him for his uniform." She said glaring at a few people. "Now that that's been said open the cafe! And be nice to Kaminari." She said before walking to her office. Some people went back to what they were doing, others stared at me. I know that they're judging but I really don't care. About 5 minutes later someone unlocked the door. The cafe was calm for most of the morning but around 11 it started getting busy.
"Hey Newbie! Go serve that red head." She said pointing to a man, he looked about 23, sitting at one of the booths he was sitting alone. I nodded and walked over to him.
"Hello sir. What can I get you today?" I said taking out my pen and looked at my notepad.
"Your number~" He said. I immediately looked up at him and blushed.
"Uhm...." He chuckled.
"Awww~~ your even cuter flustered~~" He put his head on his hand and looked up at me.
"I-I uhmm...." he gave me a peice of paper. I took the paper and I put it in my pocket.
"I'll have a caramel frappuccino and a chocolate muffin." I wrote down his order and went to the counter area. I gave the barista the order. I was able to take one more order before the red heads order was done. I took his coffee and muffin to him.
"Here you go sir."
"Thanks cutie~" he said before winking and taking a sip of his drink. I was about to walk away when he said.
"I didn't get your name. I'd like to put a name to such a cute face~"
"Cute name for a cute face~ I'm Kuso Yarō*~"  He said smirking. His phone went off. "I'm so sorry to cut this short. But I have to go. I really hope to see you again~" he said before leaving. Before I knew it. It was break time.
"Kaminari. Come to my office." Ms. Jones said. I nodded and followed her. When we got into her office she pointed to a chair and said.
"Sit." I sat down as she sat across from me.
"So how has the day. How have the employees been treatin' you? The customers?"
"Uhmm.... all of them are nice but there was one customer that was a little weird. Uhh... Kuso..."
"Oh him. Don't worry about it. He flirts with every employee I've had."
"Oh. Okay." She glanced at her computer.
"Well your breaks almost up. Would you like a muffin?" She said motioning to a tray I hadn't noticed before. I nodded.
"Thank you Ms." I said grabbing one of the muffins and started eating it. It tastes like heaven. She giggled.
"As much as I like talking to you. Your breaks over." I nodded.
"Thank you Ms." I walked out of her office. Only 3 hours and 15 minutes left. The day went pretty slow until around 5 til 7:30.
Around 8:15
The rush was beginning to calm down when 4 people walked in. A purple haired boy, a black haired boy, a purple haired girl, and a black haired girl. Colour coordinated much? Most of the other waiters were either on break, with other customers or just to lazy to wait on them. So I walked up to them.
"Hello and welcome to the cafe! What can I get you today?" I said give a big smile since the purple haired ones look ready to stab someone.
"What would you suggest?" The black haired girl asked.
"Well.. it all depends on what you want. Do you want a coffee or tea?"
"Well we all live on coffee, but this one like warm coffees and this one likes frappuccinos" she said pointing at the purple haired boy first then the girl. "but we like ice coffees more." She then motioned to the other black haired one.
"If you like more plain ice coffees then a regular ice coffee but if you like more flavour then a vanilla sweet cream cold brew might be more your style."
"I'll have a regular ice coffee." The black haired boy said. I nodded and wrote that down.
"And I'll have the vanilla ice coffee you said." I wrote that down.
"And for you?" I said glancing at the purple haired ones.
"Vanilla bean creme frappuccino." The girl said. I wrote down her order then looked at the purple haired boy.
"And for you?" He seemed kinda dazed.
"Blond roast, carmel."
"Okay. Any sweet treats?" I said wright down the order.
"Nope." The black haired girl said. I nodded and walked away.
Shin POV
"The hell was that Shinsou?!" Momo said.
"Yeah man it kinda looked like you saw a ghost." Jirou said.
"I'm fine." I said trying to ignore the girls. I didn't see a ghost.... I saw an angel. Who is he? Is he single? I hope so.
Kami POV
When I walked back with their orders the purple haired boy seemed so out of it and the girls were whispering.
"Here are your drinks. Regular ice coffee." I said putting the coffee in front of the blacked haired guy. "Vanilla sweet cream cold brew." I put hers in front of her. She gave me a smile. "Vanilla bean creme frap." I said giving it to the other girl. "And last but not least blond roast with carmel flavour." I said setting it down in front of the purple haired boy.
"Thank you so much! You've been so kind." The black haired girl said.
"No problem." I said smiling back.
"You seem like a really nice guy. We should hang out more."
"I would like that." She then wrote something on a napkin.
"Heres all of our names and numbers. You can at least get a hold of me."
"Thank you." I said putting the napkin in my pocket. Then I walked away. Damn that purple haired boy was kinda cute....
Shin POV
"What the hell was that Momo?" I said.
"Listen I'd understand if you gave him your number, but why all of us?"
"Well me and Jirou thought that we'd help you with your little crush~" she said winking.
"what do you mean crush?....." I said taking a drink of my coffee.
"We heard you mumbling." She said.
"Even though all we heard was 'angel', 'he', 'single', and 'hope'." Jirou said.
"Yeah but after living with you, you learn to connect the dots." Momo sias smirking.
"I don't a crush." I mumbled.
"Fine if you don't take him I will. He's pretty cute. And really works that dress." Sero said smirking. I absentmindedly growled. And once I realized what I did I looked down.
"Really don't have a crush? The only time you growl is when someone said something about someone you care about." Momo said.
"Fine....I might have the tiniest, smallest, itsy bitsy, teeny weeny crush on the blond.." I mumbled.
"Ha I knew it." Momo said.
"Tsh let's go." I said getting up. Luckily they followed me. Ugh why does he have to be so cute! I can't get that smile out of my mind. Ugh!
Dunn Dunn DUNN! What'll happen next? I don't know but I know one thing I should be sleeping right now! But I stayed up writing this story. So be thankful!
* in case you haven't read my other story it means Fucking Bastard in Japanese

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