Part 16

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Roman considered himself a very lucky man as he watched Dean practise with his band.

He was so proud of him wanting to enter rehab again. It was not an easy step to take but he wanted to get well and that was all that mattered. He checked his watch. He only had an hour to get to work and he really should be leaving soon.

The new song, Rest Assured, finished and the band were putting down the instrument. "That was good, Core," Dean said to his friend. "But maybe tone down the bends like half a step."

"Yeah I was just thinking the same thing," Corey agreed. "Well, let's take a five."

Dean walked over to Roman and threw his arms around his neck. "Well, what did you think?"

"I think you're amazing, that's what I think," Roman said, smiling.

"You're being biased, you do realise that."

"Hmmm," he said, pulling Dean closer. "How did I get so lucky with you?"

"I think it's the other way around. I'm the lucky one."

"The rock star is the lucky one?" Roman replied.

"Yes," Dean affirmed. "We're surrounded by people who often want to leech us off but you... you do your own thing while I do mine. We allow each other to grow as individuals. That's what I always appreciated about you and me... us."

Roman hugged him tight. "That's because love is not selfish," he murmured against Dean's hair. He pulled back. "Well, I'm off to work now."

Dean pouted. "Do you really have to go?"

"Yeah. I do. After all that Randy has done for me, I owe him a lot."

Mid afternoon was not a busy period for the Javawocky. Roman had time to do his tasks at a leisurely pace while listening to old jazz tunes on Radio Tunes. Randy didn't mind him playing music; he even downloaded songs that he heard from the app too.

A Polynesian man walked in holding some rolls of flip chart paper and took a seat the first booth. Roman's jaw dropped when he recognised him. His ex boyfriend? It couldn't be. "Ferdinand? Is that you?" he said.

The man looked up from the scroll, did a double take and stood up, enveloping Roman in a hug. "Leakee! It's good to see you again!"

Roman beamed at him. "Me? It's good to see you. How are you?"

Ferdinand grinned. "I'm good. Been busy with work as you can see."

"Still travelling a lot, huh?"

"You have no idea. I'm currently working on a new project for that mega book store a few blocks down where the old asylum used to be."

"The life of an architect. I do not admire you."

Ferdinand laughed good natured. "I don't admire me either." He looked at Roman's arm. "Oh... you finally got it! Good for you, Leakee. Although I think you waited too long."

"Tell me about it. I'm starting to wonder why I even waited. Can I get you anything? Chai Latte?"

"You remember."

"I remember everything about you."


Roman went to the bar counter to make Ferdinand's order. He was similar to Roman: tanned, well built and jet black hair. They broke up because they realised they were better off as friends than lovers.

There was no bad blood between them.

Then Ferdinand had a job offer from a firm in New York so he moved. They had lost touch but Roman always remembered him fondly.

Ambrose Steel HoundsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz