Part 7

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"I still think it's a waste of our time to open for Metallica."

Dean looked up at Seth who was strumming a random riff on his Gibson Explorer later that Sunday afternoon. The band was over at his place to discuss Paul's news. "Why?"

"Man, I have no respect for a bunch of sellouts. When I heard they were releasing St Anger, I was so excited. You remember that."

Dean did. Seth had queued up overnight at his local record store wearing his Master of Puppets t-shirt.

Corey let out a bark of laughter. "Dude, didn't you use that CD the next day as a Frisbee for your Yorkie?"

"Exactly," Seth said. "James should have stayed drunk; he'd have kept his edge. Just the sight of him in the studio pondering each take in his glasses makes me ill."

Dean felt ill to his stomach at the thought of what he had done to Roman the night before. He had taken him like an animal, just rough with emotions. Of course Roman had been passionate and responsive to his touch but still...

When he had woken up this morning, he had the worst headache imaginable. But his heart had sank when he found Roman beside him with bruises on his body.

He was disgusted with himself. To do something like that to a pure hearted man like Roman who deserved candles and such.

He had washed his face and rushed out of the apartment. As he was throwing up by the sidewalk, his conscience berated him for leaving Roman alone.

He bought a box of aspirin from the pharmacy and got breakfast at Dunkin Donuts. He had a long speech prepared for Roman but the moment he saw he saw his exhausted face, he broke down.

He had expected Roman to beat him up or yell at him to get out. But being pulled into the comfort of Roman's arms... that was the last thing he had counted on.

They had sat on the couch where Roman forced him into a cuddle, stroking his hair.

Dean apologised profusely but Roman had assured him that it was okay and that he had forgiven him.

The man practically had a heart of gold.

Roman may have forgiven him but Dean could never forgive himself. He didn't deserve Roman.

"Dean, bro," Matt said. "You okay?"

Dean looked up and found his band mates staring at him. He shook his head. "Yeah. I'm okay."

"Do you want a drink?"

"No. I'm good."

Corey laughed. "You're turning down a drink?"

"Yeah. I'm planning to bring Roman out."

"You really like this guy," Jeff observed.

Like was not exactly the word he'd use "Yeah. I do."

And Dean hoped Roman felt the same too. Even though he probably lost that right.

"Did I tell you that I've been offered an internship at Faith and Serenity Centre?"

Dean shook his head as he sipped his water. He was over at Roman's apartment where they were having Thai takeaway. "Nope."

Roman was beaming. "Well, my professor recommended me to his friend and I'm in."

"Isn't that a rehabilitation centre for all forms of addiction?"

"Yeah. It's the best one too."

"So when do you start?"

"Next semester. I hope I make a good impression that I'll be able to secure a job there after my graduation."

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