"Elijah, is this lovely girl yours?" Kol asks with a smirk.

"Yep." Violet responds for him.

"Kol, be careful. Violet won't take any of your crap." Rebekah says standing up and embraces Violet. "Long time no see. How's the magic stuff going?"

"Good." She answers with a shrug, "At least, better than it was."

"You're a witch?" Kol asks.

"No," Violet answers, "I know I'm not a witch but I don't know what I am."

"Ah, Klaus didn't tell you." Kol sighs, "How did you meet Elijah?"

Elijah laughs quietly to himself and she bites her lip to not laugh then turns to him. "It isn't funny!" Kol raises an eyebrow interested. "Well, Elijah was looking for the doppelganger and I got kidnapped with Elena. Um, he kind of decapitated someone when we first met."

Kol chuckles and looks at Elijah, "So, how did you end up together?"

"Damon tried to compel me, it didn't work and Elijah explained everything to me. I guess I knew he wasn't going to hurt me." Violet shrugs.

"I hope you know what you've gotten yourself into getting involved with a Mikaelson." Kol says, his tone turning serious.

"Nik won't hurt me." Violet says.

"He could."

"He won't lay a finger on me or I will kill him. I don't know how but I'd figure it out." Violet explains.

"Fiesty." Kol smirks and looks at Elijah again.

"Why dont I show Violet around." Rebekah says and links her arms with Violet's and pulls her away from Elijah. "Come."

They walk out of the room as Rebekah begins the tour.

"This is the kitchen." Rebekah says walking into a kitchen area.

"I figured that out." Violet responds.

"Let me show you upstairs." Rebekah says and pulls her back up the stairs. They walk into a huge bedroom.

"This is twice the size of my bedroom." Violet mumbles.

"Its nice I guess." Rebekah says and pulls her into the closet which is at least the size of Violet's bedroom. "Tonight there's going to be ball here," Rebekah explains and grabs two ball gowns. One's a deep green and the other is a vibrant red. "Which one?"

"Personally I like the red one but you'd look amazing in the green one." Violet tells her. Rebekah walks over to the mirror and holds up the green one to her body.

"Here." She extends the red dress to Violet. "Take it." Violet reluctantly grabs it from her confused. "Wear it tonight."

Rebekah eventually allows Violet to go back to Elijah. She walks into the living area they were in before but he's not there. She shrugs and continues to search the house. She finds him in, what she belives, is his bedroom.

"Elijah, I've been looking for you everywhere." Violet says as she closes the door and sits next to him on the edge of the bed. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, its just I don't trust that Mother's intentions are pure." He explains as she grabs his hand. He brings her knuckles up to his lips.

"She just came back to life, give her a chance but if you get more suspicious we'll look into it." Violet assures him while he kisses up her arm, sending excited shivers down her spine. His lips find her neck and she closes her eyes shut. She grasps the blanket in both of her hands. She already knows that theres going to be a few marks left on her neck. Elijah kises along her jawline until his lips meet her soft lips. The kiss is slow at first before it becomes more passionate. Violet moves so that shes on Elijah's lap and wraps her legs around his waist. He continues to passionately kiss her as he wraps his arms around her waist.

Her fingers are tangled in his hair as the kiss deepens.

Violet's never been kissed so passionately.

Elijah pulls Violet closer and she wraps her arms around his neck so she can pull herself closer. He pulls away and rests his forehead against hers. Her fingers play with his hair while he just holds her close to him.

Rebekah bursts through Elijah's door.

"Violet! We have to get ready." She says tapping her foot impatiently. Violet sighs and Elijah plants a kiss on her lips before she leaves the room with Rebekah.

"There!" Rebekah says adjusting Violet's dress. She just finished curling Violet's hair. "You look stunning."

"Thank you and you look stunning too." Violet tells Rebekah with a smile. 

"Elijah's going to freak when he says how gorgeous you look." Rebekah continues to conpliment her.

"Thank you." Violet says and looks up at the clock. "It's time to go downstairs."

Violet's Ball Gown

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Violet's Ball Gown

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