Chapter 16 - Update

Começar do início

"Thanks, mom."

I was shocked over her choose of word but hugged her back. I glanced at Rick to see if he had heard his daughter's whisper but from the facial expression he had there was no way he could've heard it. Alexis pulled away and laid down looking between me and Rick with a cute but kinda sneaky smile. Almost like she saw something we didn't see.

"Pumpkin, why don't you go out and watch a movie, we'll come in a moment and then we can make pancakes together, what'd you say about that?" Rick asked and Alexis smiled getting up from bed with a nodding head.

She ran out the bedroom and closed the door after her. I looked after her and was still breathless from her whisper. I wanted to ask Rick about it but I didn't know if Alexis wanted it to be a secret between her and me, because why would she otherwise whisper it to me? Rick looked at me and I bit my lip. He smiled at me and leaned towards me, put his hand on my chin and let his lips touch mine. I was still not used to the way his lips felt against mine and the electricity that seemed to twist around inside of me every time his skin touched mine. I rolled over on my back and he followed, hovering over me locking our lips. My mouth moved against his and I felt something start moving in my belly. At first I couldn't describe the feeling until I understood it was butterflies. He made me feel like I had butterflies in my belly. No one had ever made me feel that way. But then again, I had never felt anything like this with anyone else. His hand left my chin and slid down along my arm down to my hip where it stopped. I didn't want him to stop, I didn't want our lips to stop touching. It felt like it was supposed to be like this. It felt right. I let my arms slide around his neck and pulled him a little closer to me. His hand carefully slipped inside my shirt and I shivered at his gentle touch. How could one man make me feel this way? Make me feel this alive? Feel this love? The love I thought I'd never feel again? At this time both of us were having trouble breathing, so we did like anyone else would've done. We pulled apart and tried to catch our breaths. I looked up into his blue eyes. They were filled with admiration and... love. I blushed and smiled biting my lip.

"I..." Rick started but stopped himself.

"You, what?" I asked, I knew what he was going to say but I needed to hear it.

I needed him to say it. I needed to hear it. I needed to know so I could really, truly, decide to stay. He looked me into my eyes and was deadly serious.

"I love you" he breathed and I broke up in a big smile.

"I love you too" I said and I could see pure joy spread into his eyes.

He leaned down and kissed me one last time before he pulled away with a sigh.

"Pancakes" he said and I giggled.

Nodding I started pushing him off me and he walked into the bathroom after pecking my lips one last time. When he got out from there he had put on his clothes and he walked over to me to kiss my lips again.

"Get dressed, and then meet us in the kitchen" he said and kissed me again before leaving me in the bedroom.

I appreciated him giving me the space I needed. I wasn't ready for him to see me yet, I was still too skinny and too insecure about myself. I got up from bed and got myself dressed in the same clothes I had borrowed the day before. I walked out into the kitchen and I looked at Rick standing by the island making pancakes with Alexis sitting on one of the bar stools watching him. The phone rang and Rick looked at it. When he saw the caller ID he looked at me before answering.

"Castle" he said, his eyes never leaving mine.

"You didn't? Nothing? Nothing at all?" he said and I narrowed my eyes, trying to figure out what he could be talking about.

"Hello darling!" Martha came down the stairs and walked over to me.

She opened up her arms and embraced me. I hugged her back with a surprised expression, I guess I would never quite get used to the easy way she talked to me. Like I was already a part of this family, even though I recently was a homeless with no life to live for.

"Hi" I said a little shyly.

"Darling, how many times do I have to tell you, no need to be shy" Martha said with a smile and pulled away and met my eyes.

I smiled back at her and bit my lip.

"I just, I can't believe why you're all so nice to me, I'm literally no one, yet you and your son keeps talking to me like I was someone you've known for your whole lives" I admitted.

Martha chuckled.

"That's because it feels like it. Don't you get it?" she asked and when I shook my head she leaned closer. "You and Richard are connected, and that my dear, is true love" she whispered and I felt my cheeks get hot.

"Gram, it was succesful" Alexis came jumping up and down in front of her grandmother.

Martha picked up her granddaughter in her arms and smiled at her.

"It was? That's great news" she said with an enthusiastic voice.

"Okay, well, keep looking, there must be something, thanks" Rick put down his phone and I sneaked away from the two redheads to see what that was about.

I walked up to Rick and he looked at me with a small disappointed look. At first I was afraid it was me he was disappointed with but when I took a closer look it wasn't me, it was whatever the phone call had been about.

"They haven't found anything, yet. But I promise you, we will find something, I won't stop looking until you're safe" he said and put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

I understood what he meant and leaned my face into his chest. I closed my eyes and tried to get away with the disappoinment I myself felt. Why did I even feel disappointed? I shouldn't have had the hopes up in the first place. Why did I have that? How could I have even thought that they might find something when there was nothing to find. I knew there wouldn't be anything to find. Yet I burried my face in Rick's chest and couldn't prevent a sob from escaping my lips.

"Oh, what's wrong dears?" Martha's worried voice startled me and I quickly wiped my tears before pulling away from Rick.

"Kate? Are you okay?" Alexis asked and I looked down at the little girl who looked at me with the same worried face her grandmother had.

"Don't worry about it" I said taking a deep breath.

"You want a hug?" Alexis asked and I shocked looked at Rick, who just smiled at me.

I looked back at Alexis and nodded. She closed the last feet between us and once I got down on my knees she wrapped her arms around my neck, snuggling closer to me. I let my arms find their way around the small girl's body and hugged her back. I saw Martha wave to Rick to come closer to her and when he did I heard her whisper to him while looking at me, thinking I wouldn't be able to hear her.

"What's going on, Richard? How's she really?"

I stopped listening, I didn't know what Rick would tell her and I didn't want to know either. Plus I didn't want him to feel like I was eavesdropping or anything like it. I just concentrated on the tight hug Alexis was giving me.


I hope you enjoy my story so far, just wanted to tell you to feel free to comment and let me know what you think this far.

Love you!

Trapped SoulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora